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Everything posted by Headsex

  1. I knew that blady looked familiar!!!!
  2. I cant believe my eyes.... Is that really you? DBOSS? WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?
  3. haha.. Nice one Maximus, But yes, You did take notice of my server racks in my room Nah, that's one of my co-lo servers. Although you prob notice the the Upload rate is slower than the Download rate(which is what matters in a host situation), its because I pay for Outbound Bandwidth size, not data. Plus, I think the test server for speedtest data is in the same datacenter as that server, hense why it got 85mbit/s down. LOL Hungary doesn't have too many data centers. I never get 85mbit/s download on anything else to that server. My home connnection is this..
  4. When choosing a tuner.. things to take note of: * Take it to someone KNOWN to tune alot of these XR6 Turbos. Look at their workshop, they should at least have a couple in there if they are known for it. * Don't look at the big power number at the end of a dyno graph based on his other customers have published here. BIG Dyno Results means f*ck all about a good tune. * Speak to their customers, WHOM HAVE BEEN ELSEWHERE.. The thing I see the most here is people recommending their tuner, when in fact its the only tuner they've been to.. So of course its the best they've had, because its the only they've had. ALOT of my customers have come to me because they were not happy with their existing tune. A perfect example happened a month ago. An existing customer of mine had a mate who went elsewhere. Turns out, the commanded AFR was 14.2afr (your not reading that wrong), he had .97lambda in the top line of the fuel table at 5000+ rpm. Admitingly his other mistake was taking it to a workshop whom are NOT known for tuning XR6 turbos. So of course my tune was going to be 20 times better to begin with. But this is my point. Your BEST thing to do is speak to people WHOM have been to more than one workshop for a tune, And ask their opinions of, their tune, drive-ability, light throttle response etc.. Don't be asking straight away what RWKW did workshop A give you compared to workshop B.. Out of all the shops mentioned in this post. The people whom have had multiple tunes, whom had been to big and small name workshops, have ended up seeing Danny at springy motors. I can think of 5 off hand straight away. Do I recommend him? No. I Tune myself. But that's not my point. My point is, I DO recommend you speak to his customers to get their opinions of their previous tuner, vs their current tune. And lastly, be your own judge of character on the workshop in terms of how they treat you as a customer (and how they have treated others)
  5. Tocchi, Your best to PM Kevin @ process west for price, and details on what you want to do? I dont think this will bolt to a FG
  6. Spiko seems to keep posting all his eye candy porn.. So I thought, I got this delivered today, and well.. I like! Has 2 fittings either end, and a fitting in the middle. allowing a total of 3 Dash8 Fittings.
  7. Jerry HAAS does some nice work. I recently setup a Racepac on This Haas built PRO STOCK pontiac ANd yes.. It was a tight fit
  8. 1000cc or 2000cc units? I've got a set of 2000cc versions here ready for mine =)
  9. .. Another thread I have to subscribe to ... LOL Its Porn alright!
  10. Hey mate.. Saw you at the last minute, Sorry I didnt stop, I was running late =) Hense the exit.. lol F U Boosted Terry with No exhaust bung =)
  11. yEAH... I know... I said I've got a spare set already revalved.. Remember? What height king spring is it mated with? I've currently got std springs in mine
  12. Haha.. I've had this sig for a few months now... no need to copy pat =) So tell me more about these 90/10 struts.. I've currently got a set of spare struts re-valved to 90-10, but I think one has a leak....
  13. that's why h refers to it as witchcraft re.... no other explination in his brain..
  14. Ouch.. Broken a Albins Cage. What aftermarket CV setup you going to custom make? I may be interested =)
  15. Pros... Nice wide ratio of gears to choose from.. Engine is always "in gear" so to speak.. The control system is also quite inteligent, Doing some "Mount Dandenong" type driving, the box learns your driving technique, and provided you can get it close to 200 points (max performance mode), it will do alot more downgearing(engine braking) as your braking as well. It feels real good too. Cons... Don't shift has hard as I like it to under wot.. Feels like a very Flary shift in comparison to my 4speed auto, Which well, can chirp every single gear If I set it to. (maybe not 4th.. But you get my point). So under high performance high power setups, constant abuse under full throttle, without the correct amount of torque reduction saving your box, the clutches will be fried VERY Quickly..
  16. that's right, planterys are still the main failure point. We have seen intermediate shafts break. But that's due to a valve body modification another autoshop does. none of the ones Baywater autos has built has broken a intermediate shaft. If its mechanical, it will be planterys. There are eariler ones whcih are better. as well as changing the front oil pump gear. Various valve body mods, as well as oiling hole modifications
  17. Firstly, Did your 4speed break mechanically, or did you just wear out the frictions. If it was the latter. there's not enough shift pressure. To do a 6speed conversion is fairly full on, as per that post, you need all the looms, BF PCM, BF ABS module, just to sumerise a few of the changes.. Personally. if you want a 6 speed auto. buy a BF.. It will be cheaper :D I've got both 4speed auto, and 6speed auto.. And well.. Honestly, They don't compare to each other. in saying that, I don't favour one over the other. They both have pro's and cons on where they work the best, and I guess that works well for me in both situations. I've broken my 4 speed auto box a number of times in the past. But the major failure point has been breaking the planterys. Only the first time, did I loose 2nd/4th gear due to a cooked band. Currently running hell of a lot more power, and its handling fine.. But I've also learnt to tune it a hell of a lot better since those many years ago.
  18. LOL.. Before you say anything.. It was a friend, not my gf!
  19. Yeh.. my Ultra low, slim line, easily movable, light weight jack LOVES your car.. NOT
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