When choosing a tuner.. things to take note of: * Take it to someone KNOWN to tune alot of these XR6 Turbos. Look at their workshop, they should at least have a couple in there if they are known for it. * Don't look at the big power number at the end of a dyno graph based on his other customers have published here. BIG Dyno Results means f*ck all about a good tune. * Speak to their customers, WHOM HAVE BEEN ELSEWHERE.. The thing I see the most here is people recommending their tuner, when in fact its the only tuner they've been to.. So of course its the best they've had, because its the only they've had. ALOT of my customers have come to me because they were not happy with their existing tune. A perfect example happened a month ago. An existing customer of mine had a mate who went elsewhere. Turns out, the commanded AFR was 14.2afr (your not reading that wrong), he had .97lambda in the top line of the fuel table at 5000+ rpm. Admitingly his other mistake was taking it to a workshop whom are NOT known for tuning XR6 turbos. So of course my tune was going to be 20 times better to begin with. But this is my point. Your BEST thing to do is speak to people WHOM have been to more than one workshop for a tune, And ask their opinions of, their tune, drive-ability, light throttle response etc.. Don't be asking straight away what RWKW did workshop A give you compared to workshop B.. Out of all the shops mentioned in this post. The people whom have had multiple tunes, whom had been to big and small name workshops, have ended up seeing Danny at springy motors. I can think of 5 off hand straight away. Do I recommend him? No. I Tune myself. But that's not my point. My point is, I DO recommend you speak to his customers to get their opinions of their previous tuner, vs their current tune. And lastly, be your own judge of character on the workshop in terms of how they treat you as a customer (and how they have treated others)