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Everything posted by Headsex

  1. Yep I'm at Calder. Doing a bit of launch testing to half track. 1.62 60 foot so far with a 7.01 @ 101.7mph mid track. Don't want to do a full pass to get booted off. Wanted a few practice launches. Next round I'm going full wot whole track. This is still the STD engine on pump fuel so don't expect any big numbers.
  2. dont believe everything you read... there was a number of factors rather than just power that got it into the 9's
  3. Maybe we can Tax her like you taxed her!
  4. Mine was just for Dassult, nothing relevant to the story =)
  5. Would you use that language in front of your mum young man???
  6. Well nat seems to like me poking her. Lol
  7. Nice sig *beep*. I'm busy tuning your facebook chick friends.
  8. Ahhh Plm... I'm very familiar with dassults line up of products PLM (Product Life Cycle Management) Solutions, 3D Simulation software - Dassault Systèmes As well as PDM Teamcentre, which was aquired and now part of Siemens PLM products lineup.. What exactly is the involvement with your vehicle and this? (pm or call me if u wish)
  9. Wingnut, I dont have a PM from you ?
  10. So .... are you admitting to the sitting down position? haha :D
  11. Only 7400rpm? Do you sit down whilst you pee?
  12. Should fit a Liberty 5 speed to it :D Just don't back off whilst your in gear, or else it drops out of gear! The pcm has a number of RPM limits, and limiting techniques. The factory limits have the throttle rpm limit set to 6000rpm, so as its approching 6000rpm, it starts closing. Most tuners disable this by setting it to say 7000rpm. Then there's also cylinder drop, which depending on model is anywhere from 6150 to 6300rpm. When this limit is exceeded, it drops cylinders. This is also known as hard cut. By strategically adjusting the Throttle limit, as well as the Hard limit, they can be setup so on a manual vehicle, you can keep the throttle mashed, even whilst changing gear, and the engine RPM will not buzz out of control whilst the clutch is depressed. Its something I found without knowingly doing it.. One of the car's I tuned come back to me, and said "watch this vre, full flat shift" (yes, he was greek) d.
  13. Alf, With some throttle control tuning, manual cars are able to be flat shifted without lifting the throttle.. d.
  14. that's not the one I'm talking about.. the one I'm talking about is under the headlight... Ie, within 10 cm of it
  15. Hrmmm... The old battery earth only goes down through the fuse box, to a mounting point on the chassis. Like I said eariler, look below for a earth wire which mounts to the panel below / behind the drivers side headlight. Its roughly where the AVO under battery pipe is routed. I suspect this may be a issue to all your wiring nightmares. Its a common ground point.
  16. There's a Idle table relation to A/C which may help sort this out.
  17. G I JOE IS SWIMMING ON THE WATER *bluuuulllppppp* ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh GI joe wants to find where the bubbles are coming frooooooommmmmmmmmm AND GI JOE GOT STUCK
  18. hahaha ya bastard stealing from my facebook! yes.. My private paradise! lol
  19. You better not be crashing my spa party!
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