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Everything posted by Headsex

  1. my time and pass was so 2 years ago on the STD turbo when people actually thought it was something to run those times on a standard engine. You forget I don't have a f6 engine! If you beat my time or et good on you, I know when I do come out in full form, reclaiming it will be an understatement.
  2. who said they were my friends? I went there with 3 mates to watch johns mustang run, and clearly the problems he was having *Beep* done better..
  3. If traction control was on it would have disabled during the burnout if he powered through it
  4. 12.00 @ 126 his shift light must not be working cos his 60foot was junk
  5. The green seats where the the track fence changes yellow to white
  6. He was entering just as I we rocked up... He may be calibrating his shiftlight now
  7. Yeh cole trickle, im sure he could prob swing by to pick you up. I'll pm ya..
  8. not sure on time yet.. rowville.. Dales coming here too... unsure if his anywhere near your area
  9. lol.. I think I just laughed and farted at the same time then....
  10. There's been alot of "follow through" in this thread ....
  11. Its the worst.. Cos when people smell the smell they then think. Hmm Did he just laugh to cover up the fart noise?
  12. Oh he is.. along with his 9 second ET
  13. old news.... He No longer has a R-SPEC
  14. So.. I've got a territory and 6 spare seats... Who's gonna car pool with me? Someone bring the popcorn
  15. Yeh.. a built one The sensors not from anything.. Its aftermarket.. Its a 100% drop in.. Looks the same.. Same plug as the Turbo (although I'm told the FG have a different plug now?) With the datalogging, engine off.. KPA at 100 (it was actually 101), and the map voltage was 1.89 volts.. Now with the 4 bar, 100kpa the map voltage shows 1.09 volts
  16. Oh that's right.. You've been hiding under a rock for a while... Still std engine and gearbox..
  17. The standard tmap sensor was never really a limitation... But you had to be crude to get around it.. Pegging timing is easy.. But pegging fuel is not.. I'm rather happy about it all now And just to give you a idea.. My dry cell battery registered 5 volts this morning.... that's right.. I havent driven my BA for like 2-3 months!!! my poor baby.. I am now going to retune it with the current combo, Havent really had a chance to tune it since the turbo change. The engine swap is going to be happening pretty soon now :D
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