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  1. Well looks like back to the shop it goes hopefully third times a charm
  2. Nah no engine light and thinking after it getting machined, the port job would be ok they said it was working fine then on the way home sure enough no boost again, unless I give it some then it will come back way later in the rev range
  3. Hey guys ive got a problem that is driving me insane.. when I first start driving my car shes fine then then after 10 mins or so its like its a standard falcon ive replaced coils sparks and even had it a the mechanics which they thought it was the boost solinoid so they replaced that, no change. Then they send it was the acutator rod sticking so they got the rear housing machined still no difference. I still think its the wastegate actuator but they said it was fine. Has anyone had this problem before or have any ideas wat it could be ??
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