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Bizkets is Drunk?

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Everything posted by Bizkets is Drunk?

  1. It's just for a mate he's getting a g6et
  2. My ba has the removable cup holder's fits the farmer's union perfectly
  3. A recommend thing for doin ya diff mate is a slab of beer and a meat pack. That should get your mate's around to give you hand. Lol
  4. Anyone know what the price would be for a truetrac diff? Ruf price?
  5. I learnt the hard way. (Make sure u have disconnected hand break) it's a *beep* to adjust if u stretch it:angry:
  6. I did the bushes in an 04 ba mk2 and it was a bitch. I used nolathane and no probs but am only a newbie to this stuff but 1000 times better then having no bushes. Prepare for tight gaps and loss of skin on your knuckles. Some picks. Back yard job. End result I was very happy with.
  7. Save the phone donbeco send it in a cup
  8. Time to back to Adelaide mate. The drugs must be abit to strong in Vic.
  9. Batterys died in the remote and to tired to be bothered to get up and change the channel. Slideshow is so $hit.
  10. They are some bloody good looking baked goods fluffy. Wish my wife could make stuff like that.
  11. Yea cause he looks funny. I'll change it come to think of it:wacko:
  12. Cheers man. The little snail is enough for me. Good luck with the future upgrades hope you achieve the numbers your looking for mate.
  13. Cheers Bendoco I just pm kev so I'll see if I get a reply if not I'll get intouch with him tomorrow. Do u run the stepped cooler on your car mate. If so is it holding up great cause I'm only going to go as far as the little snail go's. So the stepped should be perfect cause I don't want to cut the car up.
  14. Just rang up morpower for the price on the pw stepped cooler they want 1250 just for the core no piping. Does Kev from pw post from his depot. Cause I missed out on the group buy but I want to get one. Went on his site it said 1595 for the kit I would be happy to pay that.
  15. Yea man the green f6's look mad. Good looking car man
  16. Was that your f6 parked outside of the building on Saturday. The green one.
  17. WTF some people are just f@#ing retarded. Should be thrown in jail.
  18. Another boring day in Adelaide rail yard. Atleast I get to watch people doing interesting building.
  19. Yea man might check it out sounds good.
  20. Hay guys and girls just wondering if there is any cruises on with the sa people from this forum. Only got my turbo in last 3 months and wouldn't mind going on a Cruz and see what people have done to there cars and stuff like that. so I get a better idea who to go to where to get the parts. Pi$$ed I missed the group buy on pw stepped cooler. So if anything is coming up I wouldn't mind popin down for a drive. Cheers.:D
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