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Bizkets is Drunk?

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Everything posted by Bizkets is Drunk?

  1. No spacers. Make them pay the cost of repairs. If not break some skulls. :D
  2. WTF where is the old guys gone The jizard And the duck Must be on holidays
  3. WTF where is the old guys gone The jizard And the duck Must be on holidays
  4. ^^^^ it's a lot easier to shelve it if you role the notes. Take 10 and shelve the rest.:lol:
  5. ^^^ it's good Friday angel. ADO which means over time all day long oooohhhh yyyeeeeaaahhh. Still should have called in sick:lol:
  6. 20th to the 30th. 10 days off to do sweet Fark all.
  7. ^^Some b!tch was having a cry about this on triple j yesterday. Bla bla bla woman this woman that. If they want to play in stuff all I am more than happy to watch.:D will not hear any complaints from me.
  8. ^^^^morning I start in 15mins and finish at 1700 crap. And it's pissing down.:(
  9. People that are on 3 times the money I'm on at work and they are mentally retarded.
  10. Maybe some lights like these angel
  11. I have no kids at the moment so I'm the Fark Christmas..... Sh!t traffic around town and those farking songs OMG. ^^^^pic of lights:D
  12. Saw a tree get struck by lightning. Awesome. Had to screen shot it only took footage
  13. ^^^^^^How much power do you need to get crazy speeds like that
  14. What year is yours. Mine is a August 2010 and the end tanks were plastic.
  15. Finished putting the cooler in time to make it look like a taxi again.:lol:
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