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Bizkets is Drunk?

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Everything posted by Bizkets is Drunk?

  1. Well my night has turned into tons of piss and a sick day tomorrow. Aĺso redneck fire of a bin on bricks.
  2. Im planing on heading over to wa late in the year or early 2017. Ill bring a slab if it works.
  3. Any links. Im very simple. Im a pull it apart and reverse the steps to build. With correct torque specs.. I always want to learn.
  4. That is the most I have ever learnt about a turbo off a pic. Cheers luke.
  5. National code of practice requires a time keeping device. Ect watch,phone or clock. No clock on track and can't use my phone in the danger zone so watch is the only source of time. Tax time ???
  6. Next watch will be something up that way. When im 50 in busting 10k on a watch. Dont tell the wife. My mate when he took his holdens package he spent 17k on 3 watches.
  7. Same hp rating that's why I thought maybe a typo.
  8. Dont think im that lucky being in the gov but ill get a tax agent tgis year and give it ago. Just found out I can clame my gym membership. ☺
  9. Had one good watch. Gave mine to the old man after a year
  10. Na just talking to S.H.I.T. C.U.N.T.S. also cheap and not tasteful C.U.N.T.S ?????
  11. I have always liked the effort that has gone into a hand made watch and the detail. Do have a 1960 rolex opel. Old school and plane but nice.
  12. Dark black watch yes. Each to there own. Funny some people actually go to have a look at there page to have a stab. Probably wearing a sh*t pulsar or shields watch themselves. If everyone liked the same sh*t life would be boring. Dont like it that's cool. $2200 was cheap but talked down to the gray color price of $1700.
  13. Bands nearly as strong as the diamonds. Diamonds 10/10 band9/10. I like it. Always had the two tone gold and silver but this time tought f*ck it. Something different. Was looking at a rolex first or a tag so Michael hill was the cheap one in the end.
  14. Mates talking to another guy he knows to see if they can get them cheaper. Had a look at pac performance page and not sure if typo. Advertised as a 3076. All specs the same as the 3576. Pac Gcg I think it is Not sure if to many cans but yeah seems the same.
  15. Yeah they do. Sure they make a ladys one for you though bamk2f6tornado
  16. New watch Did buy on the 7th but forgot about this thread.
  17. Mate said core only. Great now I can't get in touch with my mate. Wanted to get it all back together friday night for a coast run Saturday. *beep* goes camping on friday morning.
  18. Other numbers I have found for the GTX3576R mine. 803714-5001s OTHERS :803714-1 :706451-0035 I know f*ck all about turbos but if the other numbers are models after mine is that because of failures? Did notice it did say on a few sites that mine number core was titled as (previous name)?
  19. Same numbers or different? Japan or something else?
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