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About CnC

  • Birthday 13/04/1978

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    Motorsports, AFL football, Cricket, Internet, Programming, Touch Football, Car Modifications, Army
  • Member Title
  1. CJF077

    Happy Birthday CnC!

  2. CJF077

    Happy Birthday CnC!

  3. CJF077

    Happy Birthday CnC!

  4. Happy Birthday FG - MONSTER!

  5. Happy Birthday ravenhard!

  6. RTD

    Happy Birthday RTD!

  7. Happy Birthday Phooned!

  8. axw01

    Happy Birthday axw01!

  9. Happy Birthday steven131!

  10. Happy Birthday CnC!

  11. Thanks, much appreciated, now get back to work
  12. Thanks guys, PM sent to MS700.
  13. Hi, I am wondering who to contact in relation to forum advertising? I would like to get a dedicated forum for our store. Please send PM or email.
  14. The tune is fine, I wouldn't be running it too much leaner than that mind you. At the end of the day its the amount of ignition timing you have for for the specified A/F ratio that you are running that mattters, not just the A/F ratio itself. For example it wouldnt matter if you were running 11:1 mixtures of the ignition timing is too far advanced, and conversely if the A/F ratios are lean then that's fine provided the ignition timing is conservative enough for that mixture. Generally running them richer lowers the exhaust gas temperature (up to a point), which in turn reduces heat stresses on things like pistons, valves, cylinder head etc. Cheers, kris
  15. The Xcal2 is like the CAPA flash (wihch I believe is Xcal1)in fact they come from CAPA even though I got mine from Sport Compact you will find them on Ebay. They flash the ECU just like the CAPA flash but have the ability for the user to make small adjustments. The amount of adjustment that can be made depend on what the tuner allows when they create the file that is stored on the Xcal to be flashed to the ECU. CAPA only allowed my tune to be given more fuel and less timing. However they can be set up to have +or- timing & +or- fuel. The amount of timing and fuel that can be changed are only small e.g 2 degree +or- timing 6% fuel. There is no adjustment for boost. Hope this helps. ← Tex, Good result with the XCal2 In regards to the boost adjustment due to the various ways that boost can be controlled (open loop or closed loop), it isnt really possible at this point of time to offer boost adjustability with the XCal2's. Cheers, Kris
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