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  1. it is an fg1 there is no as built data available for this model. as built came out for series 2 onwards. other wise we would have to inhale the details of another vehicle. anwyay I have got it running now but have traction and abs lights on, trans is working fine. does anyone have a series one f6 ute tear tag?
  2. So after a bit of seraching ON THE LINE!! I have found a great site for any one that may require these tear tag or calibration files. http://www.bulletperformanceracing.com.au/FG%20PPC%20Data%20Base.html also for some of the believers they may also aid in flashing f6 tunes into xr6t and possibly g6eT.
  3. Thanks 45T-XR, where on the hp tuners web site can they be found? also I baught the car used and didnt notice the missing labels
  4. Not possable. FACT? Done it. F6 Injectors, Trip to ZF. Recall via IDS 84.05. Runs beautifuly.310 all day.
  5. G'Day guy's, I have an 08 FPV F6 ute wich has a wiped PCM! I have a mate that works for ford and he Is trying to recover it but my car does not have the tear tag label inside the drivers door jam or the sticker on the PCM! Does anyone have a similar car that can tell me what the 4 digit tear tag number is or what the PCM callibration number is? Any help will be much appreciated. Cheers
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