Hey guys,
New member, bought a dealer used manual 08 fg turbo sedan about a month ago, absolutely love the thing, I started noticing particularly when the car is cold when engaging and releasing the clutch in first and second, a rattle sound quite a quick one, hard to explain, I understand that these boxes are quote clunky etc, but mine seemed fine, when I tap the accelerator in a higher gear I noticed a banging sound too coming from the same area, my mates thought these sounds particularly the gear changing could be thrust bearing or clutch issues, long story short I just got the car back from the ford service centre and told there is nothing wrong with it, they had the box out and test drove it, the rep tells me the roll over noise is common, only thing they did was update the ecu with the latest software, upon getting the car and diving home the problem is even worse, I notice it no matter what gear how fast etc every time I hit the clutch I hear it a clunk what ever, even down shifting, got home and called the rep right away he keeps insisting it's normal, I said how when it wasn't like this when I got the car and before I dropped it to you it wasn't this bad, I could've lived with the issue while it was cold and only down low but not now when it's hot and every time, he has said to bring it back and take the foreman for a drive but he will say it's normal?
Sorry for the rant, what do you guys think? Cheers