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  1. I'm with Groper Shell V-Power is rubbish put it in my wrx power brumby and almost lost her the XR6T almost the same. Also had problem with V-Power in the old boy stock XR8. Put BP bak in all of them and never have a problem since. You thrash them on hot or cool days with Bp and they love it on V-power is scare with so much money invested in there engines. Well that's my 2 cents
  2. holly man. I thought my crash was bad in my old au ute but that's well beyond mine luck man
  3. wouldntyou just love to be him just not the hitting tree part
  4. Yea book marked to but it doesnt have queensland oh well ill just have to keep to the speed limit lol
  5. hell ya go the ford got to love that 650 vid better the rota was p1ssed
  6. far out I wish I never sold my patrol now haha mad ppl they are just found this one to maybe us xr owner have some a new comp on our hands cOCjkkCFKTc
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