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Everything posted by cobramad

  1. Ford (as in Lazer with a boot!)
  2. Hi guys, Yes, I completely understand the implications of what Im doing, I have used spacers in road and race/ rally applications many times over the years and I reckon if you do your homework and undertake the process with due diligence and the requisite engineering, you will have no problems. I have sourced competition lengthened wheel studs and have had made hub-centric 15mm spacers, meaning the spacers themselves locate on the existing hub centres and the spacer itself has a centre that the wheel locates on, so the wheel isnt hanging off the studs but is supported by the centre and fastened by the wheel studs and nuts. There is no way I would attempt this solution to a clearance issue any other way. I could do what some people do and buy cheap-ass Malaysian/Taiwanese/Chinese wheels which are total crap and do explode when punished BUT clear the Brembo calipers, but have chosen to stick to the factory wheels, which by the way meet durability and reliability testing way beyond what alot of the cheaper aftermarket wheels do. There are minimum requirements to pass and the factory products exceed these completely. No half measures here, just sound engineering. Feel free to comment, Im always open to new ideas and thinking outside the square.
  3. cobramad


    Hi all, I rechecked the part nos. for the Turbo Territory fronts and lo and behold, no one does them, just fronts for N/A Territorys. So, its Ford Genuine rotors for the time being. Hey DBA Steve, lets hope there will be something from you guys, your product is still far and away the best in its field. Keep up the great work and guys,buy the damn product or we may lose the best gear out there to the Reds...
  4. Got all the bits, just getting the spacers organised, yes I am aware of these mods putting me overtrack but am willing to try it out first. Thanks for the feedback guys, much appreciated
  5. Hi all, Just purchased a new 6 Spot Brembo front caliper and 355mm rotor package and Im soon going to fit it to the front of my TG Turbo. Main problem will be getting hub-centric spacers to push the factory wheels out a little to clear the deeper calipers. I have measured up an F6X and have found that the differences in clearance are simply due to their wheels having more space behind the spokes (hence those daggy yet effective wheels). I need at least 75mm from the face of the rotor to the outer edge of the caliper, with the existing brake caliper needing only 55mm. On the F6X there is almost 90mm from the rotor face to the inside edge of wheel, way more than enough. I reckon that 20mm spacer will work so Im getting a sample made up and going to give it a go..Here goes nothing!! PS The factory brakes with good pads are OK, just give up after a few big stops. Lets hope the upgrade will give at least as much improvement as it does on xr's and the like.. Mal K
  6. Hi all, I have finally cleared the long-termer customer work out of the shop (recession creeping in maybe..?) so the Territory is firmly back on the agenda.. After looking at the copper service line install I decided to remove the fuel tank and route the line on the inside of the chassis rail for neatness and fit a Walbro GSS-340 at the same time for added insurance. The tank is held in bysix bolts andis a little awkward to balance on the transmission jack ( Its like a coffin..) but once lowered the pump assembly can be easily removed. The new pump slides in easily and it was very surprising how much crap there was in the filter sock after 22 000kms. While the tank was down, I ran the copper service line and attached it as per regulations, every 300mm (actually closer as it looked neater and tidier). I will post a few more pics as I forgot the camera that day. Later dudes! Mal K. PS Make sure you use the correct submersible fuel hose if you change pumps, normal EFI hose just disintegrates...
  7. DMC (Its tricky, tricky tricky..)
  8. Ive upgraded many upper control arm bushes in BA/BF Falcons with nolathane type bushes and had good results. When I purchased my Territory Turbo, I went to upgrade immediately but found the Territory upper arm bushes were a different design, with a full metal sleeve pressed thru the arm, which were much firmer than the standard BA/BF stuff. Havent done an FG yet but it would be interesting to see if the bushes were same as the Territory, as much of the FG front architecture owes its design to Territory...
  9. cobramad


    Usually made for manufacturer by good ol DBA... top quality as always but costs more. U get exactly what you pay for.
  10. cobramad


    Yep, PBR now make a replacement front rotor for Territory Turbos, cant remember the part no. offhand but they are available and are reasonably priced, as they should be, coming from China. Havent used them in the Territory Turbo specific application but they have generally stood up in numerous other uses.Hope this helps. Mal K
  11. Damn fine cat!! Looks friggin huge!!
  12. Man, I would love to compete in an event like that.... 24hrs of racing... almost too much to handle but I'd give it a red hot go!! Nice chunky German lasses!!
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