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Everything posted by cobramad

  1. Hey, Its all good news and by the sounds of things, its your and the partners first... congrats!! After a couple of XR6T's, I finally got my F6 and lo and behold, the wife fell pregnant! We had our baby and persisted with the Typhoon for about 3 months but soon realised that with the amount of gear a kid requires, a Territory Ghia Turbo was the way to fly. Having owned ours for coming up to 3 years this Chrissy and now with our third child due this Sept 21st, I for one, certainly have no regrets making the change. The Territory is eminently practical and still goes like a cut snake, its just that it may be time for the snip or we will soon fill the 3rd row of seats too!! Having a child completes you, its like no other experience and if you can, get down to the business end when it emerges, that will really spin you out! Congrats once again! Mal K
  2. Ive been in the mechanical repair trade since 1989, and along the way have seen many changes in both the vehicles and how we approach the way we extract more power from them. Gone are the days of extractors, cam and carby for more mumbo (Even though that's the way for my old Weapon!) with the newer and just as challenging science of interpreting and recalibrating factory programs. One thing that hasn't changed are the many d!#khead customers you happen across along the way. Many are just dreamers who have completely unrealistic expectations and more often than not, zero idea and money... The best of them are those who frequent the now freely available enthusiasts forums and somehow conjure up this magic formula for making their personal chariot the be-all and end-all of the particular marque they have chosen. You soon develop a sixth sense and learn to avoid those punters at all costs... for no matter what you do or dont do, you will be held personally responsible for the underwhelming performance that results from your efforts and their bad planning... Many times I have heard these words uttered.. " its really easy but I just dont have the time to do it, so can you do this and that for me?" My retort is now "If its so farkin easy, go do it yourself!!" Its just that there is no pleasing some people and as to dealing with someone elses fark-ups, no amount of money is worth it. In those situations its best to run, dont walk. Danny, do what you do best and leave the salvage jobs to those who REALLY need the money, mate! Not that Im saying that's the reason you have done so in the previous place, must be that misplaced sense of giving a flying fark! Ive now given the spanners up for a life offshore (Money is OK, different level of stress..) and the best part is the absence of d!ckhead customers. Tuning is most gratifying and for the most part, lots of fun! Enjoy the fun part mate! Mal K
  3. I feel for all you guys over east, however its starting to get as bad over here in WA as well.. Best way to avoid a ticket is drive like a granny as much as possible (Though Im sure even they get booked nowadays..) and get the aggression out on track and tuning days... R Specs and the like are still heaps cheaper than no licence, dammit!
  4. Well, I guess that's as straight from the horses mouth as can be.. Cheers Swags..
  5. Where to begin...? Better driver education... Better roads... Safer and (especially for older vehicles) more roadworthy vehicles... Continuous review of current road laws... Incentives to drive cleaner, greener vehicles... that's just a beginning... Its easy to see why the pollies trot out the old "Speed Kills" mantra and impose even more draconian penalties and fines... That takes no real skill and effort while some if not all of the above takes real resolve and more importantly, COSTS MONEY!! When the Multanova cameras were introduced in WA ages ago, it was just before the Easter long weekend. Over the next four days, those four cameras paid for themselves.. The rest of the revenue since then is just cream. Just try to get exact figures that just the cameras themselves rake in and you will find its impossible to get a clear figure, merely a number that is muddied and included in whats called "Consolidatd Revenue". Its clear that they dont want to say exactly how much they make from camera fines... I for one would feel a bit better if they spent those many dollars on the above ideas to help change and improve the situation. Fat chance, the bucks are just too tempting.. Call me cynical if you will... Mal K
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