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Everything posted by cobramad

  1. Try tyres, wheel balance, rims undamaged, control arm bushes upper and lower and probably alignment before condemning wheelbearings... Just a suggestion..
  2. A song that doesnt take itself too seriously.... Evil Eddie -- Queensland -- Makes you laugh!
  3. It goes to show that as soon as we begin to modify and change the loads/temps this critical component sees, they just give up the ghost. It just shows that manufacturers build their product to simply do its job under normal operating conditions and like most things nowadays, there is no margain for coping with extra stresses that we may put them under, either by additional loads such as different wheels with non-standard offsets, or by really driving them hard, like the occasional track day. Remember these vehicles weigh every bit of 1800kg so the loads this component endures are not small. There are lots of V8 Supercar second-hand wheel hubs for sale on My105, so theres another option for ya!
  4. Terrible that they fail with so low kms on them.. We have only replaced them when they are damaged thru accident and we probably regularly service anything up to 80 BA/BF Falcs from the day they appeared.. Search for another cause as Ian said... Maybe they were damaged during fitment?
  5. Ford being Ford, Im willing to bet that some super deal was done, to secure the 2.7 at whats most likely a bargain price, remembering that at the time, Ford still owned Land Rover and Jaguar.. With Tata now in the drivers seat so to speak, we can but hope for the latest and greatest.. Also remember, Ford was the only one of the Big Three car maunfacturers in the US, that did not have to go the government, cap in hand, to beg for a bail-out. Thems cagey and scrooge-like, but it continues to keep them profitable..
  6. Like for like, the newer 3litre is streets ahead of the 2.7.. Having said that, the 3litre, as used in the Land Rover Disco4, is an option, not standard equipment. These new-gen diesels go in a very un-diesel like manner.. As a prospective buyer in the near future, I'd always prefer the newer, better specced and undoubtedly better performing motor... What say you?
  7. Its a shame Ford chose to use the older and now outdated 2.7 V6 instead of the more cutting edge 3litre... It would be nice to compete with the newer opposition with the latest spec motor, not what is effectively last generations engine..
  8. I agree its hard to judge the true shape in that colour but its design follows Fords styling language.. Shame about the petrol turbo engine option, but it probably simply wasnt worth the money certifying one for sale with regards to emmisions, seeing as it was only ever a niche model. Will need to see one in the flesh before I can really judge the look.... Bearing in mind the original style has endured very well...God bless Geoff Polites for pushing the whole Territory idea thru...rest his soul.
  9. Perhaps its his extreme hetro-ness that keeps him lookin young!
  10. Still workin on the Territory, lots to do but Im hoping to be ready to roll by New Years... no frickin TIG welder as it crapped out just when needed and it seems the HF board isnt in production any more!! There goes a couple of grand!! Oh well, lets organise a Cruise and BBQ in '11 and have a chinwag and a few brewskis.. Been a while since I saw a few of your ugly faces, Steveo notwithstanding!!
  11. Sounds horn.. Wish turbo cars could all sound that nice... it will need to be good as there are serious players in the GT3 class.!
  12. Well, back to the grind, a good mate and I started tearing the Territory apart, bumper off, lights out and removed all the factory plumbing. Trial fitted the Plazmaman I/C and found a little grinding was inevitable but we were prepared for that. Some more comprehensive instructions would have been helpful, but if you treat it as a huge expensive jigsaw puzzle, its not hard really. Found that the breather to the plenum had blown off at some stage, allowing some oily sh*te to run down the rocker cover down the inlet side, but apart from that, all looked as it should. The power steering cooler will now be mounted above the 'cooler as it was sandwiched very closely in its factory location and I was worried that it may rub thru on the 'cooler body, just need some more transimssion hose and we are away! Next stage will be the removal of the factory inlet, fitting the external oil feed line to the turbo (Hey, better to do that when its all infront of you.. including the tee piece to I can run an oil pressure/temp gauge at a later stage. Ive decided to move the gas converter over to the space vacated by the factory air box, it was too close to the turbo and a mega pain in the ass to change the filters there. Lots more to do, so its back to the grindstone and keep the job moving. More updates posted tonite. Mal K
  13. Its a shame that so many of you young whipper-snappers dont/cant drive a manual anymore... Whole different skill-set to piloting a modern self-shifter...
  14. I have to agree with you, its a unique base to begin your new project, making you a much braver man than myself! Cant wait to see exactly what you have in mind!! Mal K
  15. Hey Tocchi u ass-bandit, That FG plenum u sold me has finally gotten to the stage where its actually worthy of fitment.... Hey, it was a bit rough so I figured it was worth a cheap shot at ya! Mal K
  16. Yep, You've converted me Stevo.... Bring on huge gayness and CCFl's..kiss kiss....haha ha Greetings from Darkman (Queue maniacal laughter....)
  17. Just maybe they draw less amperage than the standard parkers, therefore freeing up electrical load and unleashing heaps of much needed KW's... eh Stevo?
  18. I believe Fraud stipulate retorquing the manifold bolts every 15k, and they allow approx 45mins to do so. One things for sure, they loosen heaps..
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