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  1. Yeah, tuner sayin shuld be fine! Bt I wanna be on safe side. So will check afr after install. Thxx
  2. Hi everyone! Currently my fg turbo makin 400plus kw with intak walbro 460. Bt I wanna go wid surge tank setup!! After changing with surge tank setup do I need to retune my car again?????
  3. singh87


    General Tech P04443 fault code Started by singh87, 30 minutes ago fg turbo fault code singh87 Member 47 posts Gender:Male Member For:2y 9m 28d · #1 Posted 30 minutes ago · Hi everyone!! Anyone ever come across fault code P04443?? Emission control purge seloniod fault?? How to fix it? Try clear wid sct wont help!! Checked selonoid its clucking!! Who can help here?? I am located south east melb! Thxx
  4. Hi everyone!! Anyone ever come across fault code P04443?? Emission control purge seloniod fault?? How to fix it? Try clear wid sct wont help!! Checked selonoid its clucking!! Who can help here?? I am located south east melb! Thxx
  5. How people rate kpm1000 hp intak pump against pw surge or plazmaman surge?? Want to run e85 thxx.
  6. yeah sorry to mention sedan mate.
  7. Hi everyone! Can anyone help me choose offset for rota torque r for white fg turbo, 18x9.5 +30 front and 18x9.5+35 for rear. Wanna run wider tyres at back 275s. Car hav ssl on rears. Thxx
  8. I was using deca inj befre they r sh*t , no proper ideal, always come wid code running too rich, economy not gud. I chnged mine to 1000cc kpm inj . Now all smooth and well balanced. They are good injand ideal lik stock. Kpm inj great.
  9. Hi guys need help with changing actuator on stand fg turbo! Ques is how hard is to change? Is worth it to change? Wat to get? And if some workshop do it hw much it cost? Do we need tune after changing actuator?? Thxx
  10. I will post up befre and after tyre change dyno graph tomrow arvo!! Den we can c wats the diff, sry for my questions and being silly as am newbie to fords, use to drive gtr
  11. He said bigger and wider tyres mak dyno read low , bt u havent loss any power, they r sticky to rollers.
  12. So is mean I havent lost any power is the wheels or tyres mak diff..
  13. Dats ok ralph. Wat abt if I go wid hub dyno? Any diffs?
  14. havent find my right answer yet!! Confused!!!! Gi back to 18 or its sumthing else??
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