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  1. from cardiff south here, ba mk11 T
  2. thanks guys, sounds like 14 - 15 is about normal
  3. No worries, I am sure that his fat arse would make a target
  4. I am using 98 octane fuel and drive casually most of the time and I always return 14.5l/100km no matter have I change driving style. most of my driving is in city(newcastle) and am averaging 40km/h. so is 14.5 good/bad/normal.
  5. Addy

    Traction Control

    thanks guys for the info, I will go and find a empty carpark and do some tests.
  6. does the traction control actually do anything, as soon as there is any water on the road I have all sorts of trouble. the traction control light comes on when there is wheel spin but doesn't seem to do anything? any ideas
  7. Addy

    New Exhaust

    thanks guys for the help, have been searching this site and have found heaps of helpful info. excellent site and great forum.
  8. Addy

    New Exhaust

    is it worth getting a new exhaust? is there much difference to the standard exhaust. Any ideas?
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