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  1. Hope You will love your new ride and power ?
  2. You are are going to be a very happy person ???
  3. I got private plate that would suit the car let me know if interested 

  4. How much are you looking to spend

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. F6rspec3


      I thinking of selling mine a Bf 07 rspec in wa 27000 nizpro kit running 385rwkw precision turbo 6266 really nothing needs to be done keep in mind

    3. F6rspec3


      Sorry it running 485 rwkw on e85 and 440 on pump if you want to know more ring me on 0418916359

    4. Pilko13


      My email Address is


      Please send through pics and full mods list. 

      Auto or manual?

      What wont pass vic rwc


      Cheers Craig 

  5. Again it's going to be open for offers I know relestic what I might get it might only be 22000
  6. there 6 other rspec going for same price without mods the choice would be stock or tuned and it is open for offers
  7. manuel and 103000km rspec one of 300 made bfmk2 11/07 grand dad owner never been down drags or racewars
  8. EOI if anybody knows of someone looking for a BF Typhoon mine going up for sale soon $ 30,000ono on car sale but much better price here. quick run down nizpro kit lowered suspenion tinted window radar detector stage 1 built motor from XFT precision turbo sport twin 2.5 s/s exhaust E85 runs 485 rwkw P98 runs 440 rwkw simmons wheels 19" much much more pm me or ring for more detail No im not buying a commodore
  9. New there quite but the when they start to wear on the edges sound like a mud terrain tyre
  10. I used a guy called Peter garden in Morley he is very good From light to limo and front windscreen as well
  11. 1/2 to 3/4 full first I thought bad batch of e85 in tank but I filled up I'm my way back home
  12. Inline 2 months ago 1 years for surge strange it only happens after 40 km not straight away
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