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Everything posted by xr6tForMe

  1. Absolutely fantastic! 10.8 second car "built, tuned and driven by owner" is going to be a pretty small club. Congratulations!
  2. Some very interesting info on drive shafts/universal joints. The changes in speed of the shaft due to angles and the suggestion that everything be lined up as it originally was, may be key.
  3. I remember being very offended at about 5 years old after being dragged to Sunday School by my grandmother to be "taught" the story of "Jonah and the whale". It's just lies. To present stuff like that to little kids is brainwashing. It stops critical thinking. "Just believe whatever you are told" The final straw with religion for me was when that same grandmother went blind from a preventable cause. She refused to get medical help because of her religious beliefs.
  4. Has it been fixed?Do you know what was done to it?
  5. We have had a BA wagon from 95000km till now at 225000km. It's hard to remember when it happened (maybe 180000km? ) but when the coils became unreliable the car would occasionally give a very sharp hicup or stall at idle. It also lost power above 100kph on the freeway. The engine became very flat if I tried to accelerate to 110kph. How old are the coil packs? I bought cheap ebay coils and the car was great for a short time, but they stopped working fairly quickly. They were replaced with genuine ones and the car has been fine since. Edit: I also got an OBD reader and there were no codes when the ebay coils stopped working.
  6. Cool. Sounds like another nice upgrade coming!
  7. Good luck with a solution. I hope you find more people to make ordering disks worth while. One other possible idea. .... Since you can't really sell them to someone else for a Falcon without being able to get disks, maybe you can find out what other car they would suit nicely and sell the calipers to someone for a different application?
  8. I am a bit surprised at the threads I have seen about aftermarket drive shafts having vibration problems. I would have thought that the places that do them know what they are doing and there would not be issues. Is there anything that makes them somehow more difficult to get right on a falcon?
  9. Wow! ! Amazing transformation! ! Those photos look like they belong in one of those extended TV commercials.
  10. Another idea. On the XU1 Torana, they used a spacer in the caliper to make the caliper wider allowing thicker disks. see http://www.gmh-torana.com.au/forums/topic/42003-xu1-brake-caliper-date-codes/ "Note the pic I put up The caliper on the left has a thin spacer between the 2 halves that's what the XU1 had so they could fit the thicker disc" Is that possible your caliper? Can it be split and have a spacer added? Then a different/thicker/currently available disk might work.
  11. I replaced one in our BA a couple of years ago. I taped a rope to the end of the cable that was being replaced, pulled the rope through to the cabin, then taped the new release cable to the rope and pulled it back through to the front of the car. That worked well.
  12. Reading through this I think there is some confusion on what is being discussed Eg "tuning the cutout to be active in a bf" vs "tuning out the cut so it does not happen any more"
  13. Isn't the cut put in from the factory to reduce damage to the box?
  14. I think this type of mod was fairly common in VN era commodores. From memory it made a noticeboard difference to the intake noise on the car off someone I know.
  15. Thanks Joe. I would love to see anything you post on how this goes.
  16. How are you approaching the porting? is it a case of grind then measure flow until flow does not improve? Have you seen the shape or flow figures for any heads that you know work well to have something to aim for? I don't think porting is very common on these engines, so I am interested in how this goes for you. I suspect you will get some nice results from it.
  17. Thanks Roley94 and Ralph Wiggam for posting. I have not rebuilt an auto gearbox, but seeing someone have a go and be successful, and someone else giving help makes it seem more possible that I will do it one day.
  18. Nimble is evil.Please do not give thier advertising further exposure -even as a joke. http://m.smh.com.au/comment/nimbles-dumb-little-loans-20150103-12emh5.html
  19. So which ADR is it impossible to meet with a car that has been tuned?
  20. Please elaborate. This does not sound right. Surely there is some measurable line that is crossed. Eg "it no longer meets emission rules" If it's tuned AND meets emission rules, where is the problem?
  21. Congratulations on the career progress. Well done!
  22. How is your build going? I hope it is progressing well.
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