hypnodoc said he was very happy with his car after changing all the front bushes for nolothane ones. im sure senna_t (pat @ wholesale suspensions) will be able to help with bushes as well
my missus mum is a teacher at a school who got some of this bullsh*t stimulous. they built brand spanking new classrooms that weren't needed, and because by some miracle after the ridiculous prices charged for those buildings there was money left over that had to be spent, they ripped up 1yo carpet and relaid it. such a huge waste of money.
try driving the car without any of the airbox, just the pod, and see if it makes the same noise. if the pod is part of the box, just remove the bottom half. It could be the plastic box vibrating if you have cut holes in it.
for the falcon I was quoted around $350 labour to install a clutch, take from that what you will. call a local mechanic and get a quote on the install, they will be able to help.