Hi all, Haven't been on the site for a couple of months but, I still see a simple question or comment can digress into bickering amongst each other onto a totally different topic. Good stuff!! I have recently replaced my XR6 T with a demo GT-P. Just got back from a driving holiday to the Gold Coast from Victoria. All I can say is I now understand why the GT stands for Grand Tourer! It was simply fabulous. Nothing beats the look of the bonnet bulge when you're behind the steering wheel along with the throaty bellow when you put the foot down to pass someone. Even with the missus complaining about accelerating real hard to get around a car, I still reckon the sound of the exhaust overides being yelled at!! Just out of interest, I averaged 11.9 L/ 100KM for the entire trip. Just a little more than the turbo. What really amazed me were the number of hoons who would sidle up or roar up beside you. I even had a dirty old Merc 4WD ML500 try to drag me at the lights. At the next set of lights an EB Ford taxi dragged him off!! It was like seeing it was a GT everyone thought I was fair game. 40 year old with wife and two kids in the back. I must look like a real hoon. Whilst I loved the XR6T and it was a lot of fun to drive, there was always the feeling that there was something missing. Prior to the XR6T, I had a VX SS but, the XR6T ate it for breakfast. Whilst the XR6T was a good car, it never really grabbed me. I dunno, maybe its just psychological but it was like it didn't have a personality. The real thing I have found is that ithe GT-P feels much more solid (heavy) and stable on the road, the Brembos pull like a 13 year old and the looks it attracts. The only mod I've done is added some series II stripes to the bonnet bulge (bought them off a signwriter for $60 fitted). For the sake of the extra bucks (I saved heaps buying a demo) you can't go past the GT. Sorry about rambling on a bit, but I've often tried to put into words my thoughts on the XR6T but have always struggled.