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  1. Reading through and about to upgrade over the holidays but one thing I just can’t see. Did you use the crossover boxes that came with the splits or just replaced the speakers? Utilising existing, factory crossovers?
  2. I have the workshop manual on disc. I can send you a copy and you can create the torrent if you want, coz I got no idea how. Let me know Cheers
  3. I might come down for a look I think. I haven't been on a cruise yet so haven't met any of you guys. Be good to put some names to faces. Cheers Joel
  4. podrcr


    I'm right near the airport too. Not far off hitting 300 but can take you for a spin, I have a 2004 BA. Let me know. cheers
  5. Croatian 1 on 1. Very accurate translation he'll be so happy with you
  6. I had my car back under warranty a while ago for the power steering shudder. Then only a couple weeks I go I took it back coz it was happening again. I had 20" rims put on in between these 2 visits and on the 2nd visit ford told me the power steering hose had split. They replaced it under warranty and all they said was "the 20" doesn't help the situation as they increase the strain". They still replaced it and I haven't had a problem with any warranty work, even after replacing the intercooler & suspension/wheels as well.
  7. I like the mild dose too. I think I'll keep it factory for now as the aftermarket is just too loud. People were looking like this when I drove passed.
  8. Sorry I think I've explained it wrong. When I said "drilled a hole" I meant that I plugged the return pipe so the factory bov vents to atmo. I put the chair leg cap on the end of the blow off valve, the part that vents to atmo, and drilled a hole through that. Not the bov itself. Exactly the same as envy-t. The bov is way too loud and sounds crap without the cap on it. The small hole through makes it much quieter. Bufhoon what you're saying sounds right. At idle it is open a little bit but you're right, as soon as you give a little bit of throttle it shuts down. Just wanted to check this was ok. Bov is back to normal anyway now as too ricey for me.
  9. I was playing around with the car and put a GFB BOV on over the weekend. Not 100% happy with the sound so decided to try the modifcation of the standard BOV. Like the other topic where you just block off the other pipe and put the chair leg cap over the end. Well I've done this and like the sound, drilled the hole to get the flutter too so sounds ok. Just noticed this morning that even at idle a steady flow of air comes out from the hole. Not enough to be audible but if you place your finger over the hole you can definitely feel it. Is this normal? Just thought I'd ask you guys instead of doing my head in over it. Cheers Joel
  10. Sounds like one of these. Been going on for a long time. http://www.4x4web.co.uk/scamexamples.html
  11. The calls are recorded at RACV so if you really want to contest it you can ask for the call recording. They'll listen to it first and by law they have to give you a copy if you request it. Just an option for you. Cheers
  12. I had problems with my drivers side window not going down automatically. Took it to ford and it was getting stuck on the rubber surrounds. All fixed under warranty so don't believe your dealer if he says it's not. Cheers
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