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About sash

  • Birthday 04/05/1979

Contact Methods

  • MSN
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Profile Information

  • Location
    Roleystone, WA
  • Interests
    Fast Cars, V8 supercars
  • Member Title
    Love the Ride....
  1. Happy Birthday sash!

  2. Happy Birthday sash!

  3. Happy Birthday sash!

  4. Happy Birthday sash!

  5. sash

    New Xr6 Colours

    bring back the timber look I say
  6. These are great. THis is the sort of things we are after.... Unique XR closeups. Does anyone have a close up of the premium brakes?
  7. HI-RES PHOTOS NEEDED Currently we are having a bit of a tinker with the layout and pictures currently on the forum design. If any of you super dedicated members out there have some unique XR photos (hi-res) or any ideas, please post them in this forum. These photos may be used in the new design. Some of the ideas that have been floating around are; *close ups of the speedo and tacho *close ups of the shifts knobs *18" wheels *hot turbos *badges etc. I put it to you to be creative and show us what you can come up with... Thanks every one.
  8. There you go boys!!!!. You are now official Donating Members. Congrats....
  9. sash

    It Help Needed

    I have the same problem and too date I have not found a solution... I can only connect both computers to the net via a crossover network cable. I think the reason that my laptop can't connect to the internet is because the Router has its own IP address (which is not connecting directly to the net as I use 56k). The laptop is trying to connect to the internet through the router and not the Desktop. If there is a way to connect all the computers on a network using a wireless adsl router... I would love to know. BTW, I connect using a 56k modem on my desktop because ADSL is not available in my suburb yet.
  10. I have only found one driveway that my front spoiler scrapes on. Apart from that, I have never scraped the underbody anywhere...Sports Riders sits about 35mm lower than standard....
  11. Looks sh*t loads better, and also improves handling heaps. I would recommend this be the very first mod you do. IMO the standard XR ride height is too high for a performance sports car. I used pedders sports ride all round with a adjustable camber kit in the front. PM me for details if you like.... About $600ish complete....
  12. I think cooma is the closest. About an hour out of Jindy.... Maybe a jerrycan might be an option.....
  13. thank you. That will work out well as I am movint there in a few months to live....
  14. yeah, I was trying to find out where they are from.... No luck... Anyone know....
  15. stef, can you post some part numbers of the gauges so we can check out how the look at the Blitz website....
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