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About apache_dj

  • Birthday 30/10/1971

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    Auckland NZ

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  1. Happy Birthday apache_dj!

  2. Happy Birthday apache_dj!

  3. Happy Birthday apache_dj!

  4. Happy Birthday apache_dj!

  5. Happy Birthday apache_dj!

  6. Cheers Gravelrash, that is good to know
  7. What type of paint did you use on the intake runners, it looks really good in black. I have been planning to do this for a while.
  8. I am having an engine built at the moment - reusing my BA block and crank. I have an FG oil pump is it any better strength wise than the original BA jobby?
  9. Hi Guys, Are the FG oil pumps any better than the earlier models?
  10. have the FG valve springs gotten any better than the BF or old BA springs? Dan
  11. Does anyone know if the FG are using better oil pump components. I was considering using FG to replace my BA mk1 kit.
  12. this may seem daft but how about the timing cover is the FG the same, or similar enough to use. I want to polish it up and replace my BA mk1. I've seen some of the bling in members engine bays and figure I'll give that a crack. Or should I just get it procoated and save time and effort? Dan
  13. thanks guys, the engine is from a NA and the head is rooted at cam journals so is basically a throw away. I'd be interested to see if the FG coils fit the BA wiring or if I could find a way to use my existing coils. Good to know about the engine mounts as well
  14. OK so I have the FG donor engine, and began stripping it all good so far - does anyone know if rocker cover from the FG fit the BA head? I reckon the rocker cover and garnish would look way better than the BA stuff especially when youve replaced the pipes for a nizpro style plenum. Dan
  15. HI Guys, I am looking to build up an engine, looking at a pistons and rods kit from spool, I currently have a BA mk1 running 308 RWKW and can would like to get a FG block to use as a base. Will my sump, head etc from my original engine be compatable with the FG? I've got a pretty tight budget so cant afford mega dollar options. good advice needed Cheers Dan
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