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  • Birthday 07/09/1973

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    ORSM Ford Cruisers!

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  1. Hi mate

    I am new to xr6t and have just purchased a fg xr6t Ute xr50 

    now it has a xr6t cluster and I was wanting to change it to either the xr50 cluster or a FPS cluster if I can get one so 

    is this possible to do?

    id prefer the fpv cluster but if it doesn’t work or it’s to hard I’ll just do the xr50

    thanks in advance mate 


  2. Sounds like the door actuator mech is broken.
  3. clustermods.com is my site. Can be changed quite easily, send me a PM to discuss. But basically if you can send me the board (postage is kept low) then it is quite cheap. I think the FPV Premo ICC's came out in blue but not sure. Cheers Matt
  4. Happy Birthday ORSMBA!

  5. Happy Birthday ORSMBA!

  6. Happy Birthday ORSMBA!

  7. Happy Birthday ORSMBA!

  8. Happy Birthday ORSMBA!

  9. Yeah it will work, just put the sedan internals into the ute switch and it will work fine. Matt
  10. Utes do not have illuminated window switches unless modified and there are no B series cars with illuminated steering wheel controls.
  11. There are no lights in the steering wheel or the window switches (unless the switches are modified) Matt
  12. Hey mate... The lip spoiler u have in the parts for sale.. Not sold is it?

    If not hit me up on 0431813092.

    Thanks mate.

  13. The blue/red is a negative wire. So you need to connect the illumination positive to a 12v and then connect the negative of the illumination to your blue/red. Matt
  14. B series cars do not have a flasher box, the indicators are controlled from a device inside the cluster, so at present there is no way of getting led indicators to work other than using a load resistor. Matt
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