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Everything posted by PTR_NITRO_FG

  1. Just for you buddy! Pretty sure it will suck in hot air so that's why this thread went stupid...
  2. Yeh I'd be pretty pissed... I guess update the thread when you get the price...would be interesting, especially if they give you a new rim (that alone is probably 1k unless they just get it refurbed).
  3. Yeh derp on me. That link thing was actually pretty cool. Lead me to this.... I just wasn't sure if the car had to be specifically suited for the coolant or something lol thanks Matt [emoji14]
  4. Fair enough.....they nice and noisy? Lol I bought cheap haidas once for a set of rims I sold, noisest/squeals on corners...did laugh So is there some secret I dont know about coolant? Red is better than green? Cause dont Ford use green in our turbos?
  5. Why do you need to know how much it will cost? Only a smash repair dude will be able to price it up accurately....or someone who has possibly had a similar accident? Using genuine parts I rekon 4-5k+ is what they will estimate. But that's a pure stab in the dark lol
  6. Zeta front tyres? what the sh*t is that brand....lol Also why the change to pink coolant?
  7. Nah too many of me asking questions.....cause blocked life
  8. +1 Once I removed my chip, dose went up by at least 60%.
  9. But doesnt this darude kit have a fan? ^^^
  10. Swaybars are sh*t....just clunk all the time [emoji14]
  11. Can someone get Luke to explain what what happened exactly?...What was the contributing factor causing failure? Does failure mean almost milkshake? This would suck if the heat exchanger is not as good as its made out to be...
  12. Thought OP had an FG and didnt know there was a under battery kit for them? (Edit: just remembered a pingtune kit I think?) And above probably happened to my old civic (yes maaaaad ricer). I remember going down marmion on a rainy day....then seeing the biggest white smoke cloud pouring out my exhaust lol I parked up, drove home, chilled a bit and continued using the car like normal [emoji14] sold it a few months later so NFI if I lunched the motor or not lol Oh and OP....just buy kings springs. Buy SL fronts (apparently basically same oem xr height) and maybe SSL rears to drop the rear a bit and level it out.
  13. That's fuucked....bet the view from your end was pretty bad too :/ I remember one time many years back, I tried to swerve last minute cause of a bobtail lizard (I think) and I quickly looked at driver mirror to see if I missed it and just saw this big spray of blood near the rear tyre. I definitely should have pizza'd....
  14. cant wait to buy a second handy in 2020 lol
  15. Yeh these knocks are f*cked lol. I've taken it to a few different places, all seem to say "nothing wrong, no idea". I've pretty much given up and will see if the rear knock reduces after I do my suspension (told the rubber part in rear eye of shock can get brittle and cause clunk noise). Also got told that those trailing arm bushes cause a clunk (will need to look over records but pretty sure mine have been replaced already). It gets annoying, but now I just drive harder and I seem to not fixate on the issue But would be nice to cruise sedately and not hear a sh*tload of rattles lol
  16. Xbox One FTW! Wanna buy Sunset Overdrive for $20 + postage? lol
  17. Put on gumtree for $100 for pair. Advertise as drag rims (I assume they are the 17x8 size - which is perfect for people to whack 275/45/17 MT tyres). Job done.
  18. Maybe you were comparing to cars with 18s? Looks spot on to me lol the ssl rears will make the forward rake come back = ghey [emoji14]
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