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Everything posted by PTR_NITRO_FG

  1. Not sure for BA....but on a 8.5" I would run a 245 with a tiny bit of stretch. Think you can go 255 max, but not sure how close it would be to suspension. Problem with 20s is you'll need a 35 profile minimum (cause you are supposed to go 245/30/20 to match a 245/40/18 which is stock tyres on my car). But not many tyre manufacturers have that size and a 30 profile may be rough. So I would run 245/35/20 and just monitor the speed difference (use tyre calculator to see how much % difference there is). Or if you will be keeping them for a while; think ford or your tuner can readjust to suit specific sized tyres? Just remember the higher the size, the worse it will feel. Plenty of people run 20s, but I never will [emoji14]
  2. Damn.....should be rolling in a GTR lol or at least in the 400rwkw club [emoji14] You're tax is probably 1.5 times more than my total salary.
  3. Its your cash.....so do as you please. Dont forget tyres have a shelf life of 5yrs...some say 6 yrs max. After a few yrs performance significantly declines. Then look at camber wear and making sure they are still legal (bought some tyres which I thought were fine, til I was shown the sectional camber wear deeming them illegal). Best of luck, hope you can swap them up to something suitable and dont get stuck with them Edit: realised you said new...so if that's true the camber part wont relate too much. But its still very possible to buy new old stock and for it to be close to becominy sh1tty wok.
  4. You need to do it properly. Have a read of the BA/BF wheel thread and see what sizes others are using. A 265/45/20 would throw your speedo out a fair bit...no point wasting money on a rushed decision. Play around with the wheel/tyre calculators and measure how they will move compared to your current setup. Most OEM post AU rims are 8" wide +36.5 offset...
  5. Aren't crow springs only $250? that's what Monsta Torque uses AFAIK...
  6. Yeh assume its supposed to have a gap....I will leave it to the capable hands of the suspension shop I guess. Thanks for your help Tim
  7. Pretty much. Early christmas present for me lol You have SSSL rears? Did you trim yours?
  8. Dafuq....you are meant to race anybody anytime. Wasted opportunity dude [emoji14]
  9. Got my suspension going in Thursday....very excite. Only been sitting around for a year lol Anyways...they are gonna install the rear bump stops as well (nolathane) which im pretty sure is lowered bump stops? Part # 47344 Question is; do they need to be trimmed down like oem is supposed to? Or is it a case of if they hit then chop if not then leave - and each car is different? Suspension is billys + SSL/SSSL combo. I will tell them to put springs at lowest spot (if my billys have the 3 position thing).... And im on tapacrap and did try to search, but doesnt work (even just searching "FG" came up with nothing, which clearly there is heaps in the suspension section). Cheers
  10. Nice one.....let us know if you notice a difference between the 4/1 and 4/4 combo.
  11. Did you get 4 pots all round? Or 4/1 or 6/4?
  12. Woah.....that's cool. I remember you were talking about them on that maintenance day a while back. What year did you get? You gunna do the hp tuner stuff on it? Pics?
  13. I assume OP is possibly referring to the sprint ones? Would assume those would be the fg f6/bf turbos? Otherwise what wilko said
  14. dang.....slightly over my guesstimate lol very lucky indeed (surely the guys company would be going through insurance)...
  15. Not as funny as Ted? Or did you also think it was average?
  16. No stinging out around here....(approximate prices last time I checked) Monroe GT Shocks...apparently slightly better than OEM ($500) XYZ....good ($1.2k) Koni Reds....good ($1k) Bilstein....good ($1k) Tein....great ($1.6k - think its $2.4k for the interior adjustment thing EFD?) Pedders XA....great ($1.8k or maybe its $2.4k?) Shockworks....great ($2k) That's my belief of the ranking system....there's one more that I realised hasn't been discussed which is the BC BR Coilovers. I remember they were all the rave when I had a Nissan Stagea....only realised last night they make a falcon kit for $1.4k. But dont think I've read any reviews on it yet.... There's obviously some other cheapo fleabay crap around....but NFI if they would even be better than OEM lol I.e. optimo, ksport, and some other sh*t one
  17. Ghey..... [emoji14] If I dont help the noobs then who will??? Lol
  18. Yeh no problemo....sounds like you have it sussed. And yeh only reason I know about this question is cause I was searching about it last year I think....couple people on other forum said it clears by less than 5mm. But by the time I got an answer I already got a Plaz 800hp kit lol Good luck with it all.....and make sure you choose a good tuner!
  19. Yeh same same for me....I'm hoping to have my tune some time next year. Its only been 2.5 yrs so far lol But I've gone the stingo way for some parts (2nd hand and what not). If you want to save a few hundred bucks....you can go plazmaman turbo side + relo. Pretty sure its louder than the PW kit too (cause metal pipe vs. silicone). Just depends what you're after Good choice in cooler though....just have NFI what the regs are like over your way I.e. in terms of RWC.
  20. I will still help if I can....but I know bugger all really Wheels and noob questions is my forte though lol
  21. So just wheel whoring so far? I understand that notion You got goodies piling up at home?
  22. LOL.....just taking the piss cause I replied to that other silly thread you started about dose pipe. (I put a pic of one I saw for sale on gumtree but it was only one picture). But glad to see you're doing it the correct way! P.S. I've been told by a few reliable sources that its not wise to put a turbo side kit and intercooler without getting a tune I.e. you should install just before tune and take it easy if your driving it to tuner. Overboost which can lead to lunched engined apparently. I was even told not to do the turbo side kit on its own if you like to thrash your car...
  23. Nah but if you ask too many questions you get called an Askhole and then ridiculed for life. But did lol at the Korean dentist comment
  24. I will never help you again dose man... but yes apparently clears by a few mm
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