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Everything posted by PTR_NITRO_FG

  1. Hahaha. Poor af is the perfect summary for that bloke Been too cbf with forums in general atm. Reading forums always disappoints me on how ive got no cash for mod life lol
  2. Sorry Marco...forgot to msg back. Only picked the car up last week. Shipping of parts took a while and I told them not to rush...but still, least I got a bunch of sh*t for free. So for those playing at home...result was "timing chain slack due to timing chain tensioner failure, guides broken and chain damaged". Think he said right guide and they just ordered a full kit. Good news was when resealing the timing cover, they fixed the slight oil leak that was there (and found one more leak which was covered). They also replaced the "drive belt tensioner". Total for job was just over 2k. So ive cracked the 11k mark for claims lol Going back tomorrow cause they wanted to check over it after a week to see if the noise is still ok. Plus they are replacing my thermostat and changing my rocker cover over (which should have been done at the time of doing the chain, but cant complain cause free). Thank fark for warranty
  3. Yeh I rekon I was just lucky af and got a good dealership. The first service guy even said once its tuned parts are still covered hahaha. I actually never researched who the insurance is with? Probs some eastern states company or some sh*t. The only catch is it must be serviced every 6 months by them (or a dealer in their network). But yeh see what happens
  4. Yes full log book serviced (owned since 80k). The catch is its "aftermarket" warranty....I.e. Ford get paid, insurance company always approves claim. Best $1600 I ever spent; claimed over 9k worth of work (so really 6k at any other mechanic lol). Only have 25k kms worth of warranty left though. But dont want to jinx anything, but fairly confident by what old mate said over the phone (he doesnt BS me).
  5. Yes I did. Problem still persisted. Heres video after power cycle; Good news is hopefully my aftermarket warranty should cover it. Apparently "all internally lubricated parts" should cover timing chain tensioner or whatever the cause is. Hopefully theres a chip in the timing chain so they have to replace that too. Not sure if camshaft lobe damage would come under that too... Will report back next week on what they find and what gets replaced
  6. AC wasnt on at all....ill try tomorrow and see if it gets even louder when its on lol Yep good point...kinda sucks cause no cash and if I had to do chain I would have hoped to do valve springs at same time. FML Edit: also ran the X4 for faults and said none. Guessing a proper Ford dealership scantool would be able to scan for 50 billion more things?
  7. So a little concerned...jumped in the car today and noticed my car sounding a little tractor-like when I was next to walls/buildings. Got in driveway and noticed decently loud ticking...hoping its not engine knock or something bad? Obviously the video is not a perfect indication of noise...but it was significantly louder than injector ticking. Weird thing is it comes and goes too (after video moved car into garage, noise went down, then eventually stopped, then turned car off then on and 10secs later the knocking was there again). Any ideas? Think the belts and harmonic balancer were replaced 3 yrs ago, hotside bolts retorqued 6months ago...cars still stock tune...150k kms though :(
  8. I dont get the rage with steelies. Yeh they are cheap but ever held one in your hands. Fkn heavy as....I would say at least 16kgs or more. Would love to see how it impacts steering and sh*t....I sold mine before even bothering to put them on. Probably doable with stock height. +28 will be very close, but I was willing to give +30 a chance in 9.5 so I rekon should be fine. Will still poke a tiny bit out of gaurds...not really any offset in 9.5 that's safe to clear UCA whilst still being tucked into gaurds....unless you go low low and cambered af.
  9. Sitting in my spare room for if I ever want to rock oem rims lol From justjap.... $79 delivered I think....they had 20mm still in stock when I checked last week (sold out of the 15mm when I ordered).
  10. Yeh I was aware of the few perks...but dont recall anything about a free wheel alignment every 6 months lol might have to read the ghey magazine instead of just throwing it away hahaha I'll have to call a consultant to confirm exact details...but cheers for the tip


    Dont think this is true....? Pretty sure theres been a few milkshakes with very low kms...significantly less than than the 40k/2yr scenario +1 for the PWR heat exchanger. Mines done nearly 60,000kms and I think its still good lol (stock tune though).
  12. What? Since when? Whats the terms and conditions.... Edit: Forgot to post last week....my 20mm bolt ons didnt work...but my 25mm ones do lol
  13. Where is link for Keith's new car??? Like what thread???
  14. Oh yeh.....cause the pic looks sh*t hahaha. Some ohmo decided to go for a piss... Also better pic of my car...just cause...wish I had pretty brembos though :(
  15. Think it was you (maybe someone else) who said my driveway is sh*t cause not level and makes for sh*t pictures....or something to that effect. It was a while ago....so may not be remembering it correctly lol
  16. Yeh but too poor to refurb the other wheels...just done these ones lol looks like they'll be on a r32 soon again anyways. Mine are Advan RG...the OG version of Stever's wheels
  17. Black for plates? Neigh. Colour dropper tool FTW. Will sort tomorrow
  18. WPMO...forced to having lame offsets on the front cause your bolt on spacers dont work with your rims. One solution was to grind the OEM studs down a bit...but that's a bit extreme and would mean committing to these rims forever lol My usual sideshot with driveway that annoys stripes...
  19. Lol. Most cursed cruise ever. Spoooky [emoji14] So instead of fixing my flat...I just put new rims and tyres on. Problem solvered. Oh and Steve still have to upload those pics for ya...would you prefer PM links with unedited plates or just post here with censorship lol
  20. Lol weirdo...is that one from your personal stash? [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23] But agreed its proportions are all off...but A for effort I suppose
  21. Meh....I cant help that theres so many #haterpipes on here...
  22. Yeh might look into it but ill probs just get it done by my local place tomorrow. And then I can be rest assured its not farked with my farkery skills [emoji14] But thanks for confirming it should hopefully be fine Edit: this was responding to Robber bloke...but applies to you too az lol
  23. Yeh must be the perks of paid version then [emoji14] And yeh I just knew they werent Advan RG...cause slightly different. But maybe I read the antilag post wrong hahaha wouldn't be the first time...
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