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Everything posted by PTR_NITRO_FG

  1. Cya in 30mins.....ill do a mad poweskid lol
  2. ^^^ FTFY P.S. Phil what do they charge for a clean? was it a full vaccum/wash I.e. mini detail?
  3. hahaha.....nah she'll be right. If I can do it, anybody can do it if you got something to test it on first then no issues at all.... I still had plenty left in the can and that was with the 2 coats on taillights (might have actually been 3) and then same for my side indicators...think I still have just under half a can left.
  4. Yeh experimenting would be a good idea if possible....I did it to my OEM lights (bought a spare set for like $80 in case I didnt like the look of it). I went a little darker whilst still being clearly visable....the only issue is since I only put 2 very light coats on....the spray came out a bit funky and looks blotty if you are standing really close (could have just been the way I applied it I.e. can was cold and maybe it was my noob overspray). I might try and take a pic next time if I remember....but upclose its not the best. I dont have many pics of the car from the rear....but you can kind of see if in this pic: Or this one shows what its like in the sun (right tail light) and in the shade (left tail light): Also not 100% how the plastidip and nite shade will interact with one another.....its a smart idea, but maybe the nite shades wont apply properly? Again, if you got that spare perspex or whatever, then give that a try first and see if it works/can be peeled off? And good plan on the brembos....wish I could afford them.....keep your eyes out on gumtree bargains, etc....pretty sure I've seen a couple complete sets of 4 pot rears around $1200ish....plus was spewing I couldn't afford this other bargain I saw which was 6 pot front setup for $1200 (eastern states though) - needless to say that advert sold that same day lol
  5. Oh yeh forgot this is supposed to be one of those lol Well my points relate to the FGX as a whole then
  6. Ive never lubed up the window guides in the 2.5yrs of owning....might start doing it just cause (and its something that I should be able to personally do lol).
  7. Lol at the "forum rules". Dont think ive ever seen that posted for a WA cruise Look forward to spying on the pics
  8. Go easy on that nite shade stuff....like 2 coats will be ample and allow it to dry before deciding on another coat..made that mistake with my indicators when they turned out very black lol The spoiler is interesting....bit too ricer for me but hey if you like it then that's all that matters Also my one piece of criticism is the rear calipers. Are they the stock 303mm or did you upgrade to teritory rears? Cause if you upgraded then it definitely should have been painted red to match the brembos lol but yeh well done....car is looking good!
  9. To each his own so whatevs. Obviously yes the interior feels similar....but they still tried. It has a better icc system and fresh trim design, different cluster and then different front + rear cosmetics. It just doesnt have fancy boy tricks that some people seem to think is the most important thing in the world. I like to think of it as less things to go wrong in the future Its a decent step up for us FG boys....maybe not so much from the mkii. I think on Fords limited budget that they have done an awesome job...as you say it is a last hurrah....so why the f*ck should they make a completely different car and not just make each component as best as possible to deliver the best FG they've made to date. Of course the cosmetics part is the big debate....but I for one think it has the potential to look mean I.e. the computer rendered pics with the lowered suspension and fancy lighting lol Remember its still a FG people....what about the ones who bought a series 3 AU or BF.....those cars had f*ck all changes yet no one complained about the "outdated interior"...or maybe they did cause I didnt forum back then hahaha
  10. Wow.....sounds like a beast will be coming! Fastest ive been in (riding shotgun) was a 504rwkw G6ET...and that was so crazy. Look forward to the updates when it happens
  11. Think I can make either 13th or 20th....as long as Wiggum doesn't try to fight me lol
  12. so wait.....does Mr George make a dump only that is 4 inch and connects with the standard venom catpipe? and the FG catback was being discussed back in 2014....has he finally confirmed its going to be made soon?
  13. Think we are in the minority here Matty....most people on here seem to think its hideous and 'ugly' Gunna laugh in a few years time when they change their tune and say...actually its not too bad....like many have done with the original FG Did you sign up to a mailing list or something? Your DP suggest you're still in love with getting a mustang....oh wait you cant cause you decided to be a family man
  14. saw someone selling a used pair on gumtree with sh*tty rockstar rims.....but he was asking $650ono and didn't provide pictures of how much tread was left lol again on plumtree there was a business selling new ones....not sure if they were super cheap but I think it was $420 each in either 245/40/18 or maybe it was 265/35/18
  15. how much weed and heroin did you smoke/use? CUB = drunk smash fests whenever you go out at night....
  16. 'Cashed Up Bogan' for anyone else who was struggling to understand like me .... lol
  17. but shes a girl.....all girls love iphones for some crazy reason one factor for switching for me was I couldnt download my porn on a iphone....could only watch it bahahaha
  18. oh snap....thems fighting words lol nah yeh apparently *beep* in Melborne are out all the time...I dont usually go out so doesnt really appeal to me. I will visit one of these days....
  19. f*cking lol everyone raves on about how awesome Melbourne is and how sh*t Perth is.....interesting to see someone disagree for once Edit: so how is everyone circumventing the filter?
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