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  1. I recently acquired a TTG SY2 ex Victoria Police. Does anyone know what mods are done to police vehicles? The reason I ask is I drove another Ghia Turbo and a F6X and my car feels like the F6X tune more than the standard turbo ghia. Also other guys I know with turbo Territories say they average around 15 to 16 litres/100. Mine returns 12.9 to 13.4 according to the trip computer. I also have a high capacity yellow top battery and an extra set of fuses that I have no idea about. 1 x 40,1 x 80, and 1 x 30 amp. I assume they were for police radio, lights etc. Also when I got the car the interior lights and flashers when you unlock the car were disabled. Any ideas? I have asked the local Ford service manager but he doesn't know as Territories weren't used by Tasmania police or so he says.
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