Get a lot of conflicting stories from different shops about engine failures from this guys own car. ← Hey mate how are you? Would love to hear the conflicting stories of my engines blowing up. My car with stock internals ect did 18000 kms with 400 + rwkw's and never missed a beat, I pulled it out for the new engine to go in that was with billet pistons and rods and oil pump gears, That engine was using a CP Piston that had a terrible skirt design and was noisy, finally got to noisy to handle. I then used a wiseco piston and the car was making 508 rwkw's. I went on a Track day at wannerro race way and on the last lap of the day I had then vaccum line that feeds the waste gate get a hole rubbed in it from my power steering pully (That sucker hangs on my wall as a reminder) I now run the boost lines around the rear of the engine. Hope that gives you an explination to the rumors about my engine(s). As for where I am located I have a workshop currently next to my house in helena valley, I am in the proccess of finding a bigger establishment as I have purchased my own dyno and need to expand. Until I find a place to put my dyno I use Turbo techs dyno in redcliffe. Thanks for all the kind words guys appreciate it ← first of all congrats on purchasing your own dyno simon its really nice to hear that your doing well. As everyone in this site knows, including most of the tuners that simon is a great tuner and has a unique tuning style and delivers great results all the time, I am not sayin this to suck up or get a free dyno tune next time around (they mostly free anywayz lol) but you dont need to go any further than this site to find out about the great results he has acheived. I am a living proof my self, I tune both my cars with him. the xr6 turbo I first went to him with 50k on the clock, it has done 115k's with 330rwkw all this time without any trouble and when I got my typhoon, I went straight to him without even a second thought, his tuning abilities and customer service is awesome. he treats your car like he would his. do your self a favour, dont get mucked around like alot of people already have. Just go to somone who know wats his doing and doesnt have time bag other tuners. lastly I think people who put down others businesses, without any fact should really be ashamed of them selfs,Mannn it gets pretty bitchy around here sometimes. anywayz mate wish you the best of luck. regards Muzza