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  1. Too many cops........ #meetatthekebabjoint
  2. Yeah It got new rear bar and new boot. haha been thinkin bout mods, not sure how far I wanna go as yet, not looking to go super fast. what you reckon I should do to get a little more go?
  3. Spotted me driving the beast after picking up from panel shop whoop whoop Whens next cruise? My car not fast enough for HWY
  4. Thanks Freaky, dropped it off this morning, hopefully all new and shiny by Thursday!!!
  5. Good to meet a few of you last nite and prove I'm not a cop hehe Looking forward to joining one of the cruises soonies.
  6. hahaha With a busted Rear bar, actually missing half of it, doubtful Car is in to Lacey panels on Monday though so next cruise it shoudl be back to normal
  7. HAHA yeps, Joined 7 years ago, only got my first turbz in July! See ya's Thurs
  8. Might head down after work Thurs nite too as only had the T for couple months so haven't been to an event/meetup yet. Although she has a bit of rear panel damage at the moment thanks to a shunt from behind from a young lass from caulfield on the weekend
  9. haha sorry guys, looking at South East Melbourne area. Live in Parkdale and work in Mt Waverley so anywhere near there is fine, happy to travel for a good job. RACV have recommended UltraFinish in Clayton South, anyone gone through them before?
  10. Hey guys, Had my beast bout 2 months now and some clown decided to hit me while I was stopped at a Red light on the weekend. No major damage and everyone was not injured so all good. Just wondering if anyone has any recommendations for people to fix up the rear bumper and boot as this is the damage that was caused by the jerk not stopping. PS: Sorry if this post is in wrong section, didnt know where to put it! Cheers Boydie
  11. Oil and filter change, cleaned filter behind glove box and too crapola Numberplate protector thingies off. Ordered k&n air filter and now thinkin bout ordering the Earls oil line filter kit.... hrmmmm
  12. Ah that's good to hear, I idle for bout 3mins when cold usually, bit paranoid as only had the T for a month or so. Been thinkin bout gettin one of the Earls Oil line filter kits and a k&n Air filter soonies too
  13. How you finding the Street/Track Nulon stuff now? I put it in my FG yesty.
  14. Coolant flush last night over a couple of Johnny cans...... solid Friday night
  15. Okray im intrigued, what sorta economy increases are we talking??? Also how much for injectors and tune? What sort of injectors are best for fg xr6t, manual.
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