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  1. was considering going out tonight but only read the thread now. Aiming for mid 10's in my rx7 on pump fuel :D
  2. Hey all, Im 21 going on 22 id have to agree with this post. Most of the younger category are absolute idiots when behind the wheel of a underpowered car, let alone one with more power. Alot of my friends are in that exact situation. Alot of people modify before they gain enough experience to handle those modifications. Let alone learning what the car can and cant do in a safe environment. Driver training as it has been mentioned in many pages back should be compulsory for people with performance cars. and perhaps when young people move onto there open license with a bit more experience behind the wheel knowing the driver training is to improve their driver skill for unexpected situations not there improve there on street hooning capabilities. Not trying to give myself a big head but ive been driving serious performance cars since I was 17. I also attended weekly drag events and some driver training courses. I have built the car ive been waiting to make, a 10 second rx7. But I think, if I had it a couple of years ago. Im sure it wouldn't be in one piece, or perhaps me either. People hop into the car and say im crazy. And I just say the car is the crazy part, Its just like any other car if I want it to be. that's what the track is for. I think the main point of this post is some people are alot more mature then others. I know older people that drive like nut cases that think cos they have experience they can actually drive. Any age group can have drivers that will kill there car or themselves the only sad part is most of them are young. And they create a bad name for all performance car enthusiasts. Hope this made some sense to those who care Reece
  3. Couldnt work out how to use that gallery and members ride thing so ill post some on here, let me know what you think of the white and chrome. I personally think the style matches. Just needs to be lower. They are 18inch advanti rims.
  4. that's got me thinking so much hey, dang u I aint gona get to sleep now thinking of all these therories
  5. Wouldnt mind going up the coast before winter closes in, if anyone else has the same or similar idea as me why not do it :D
  6. yeh well, im sure that can also cause longterm problems, I do belive in giving it some balls, but also dont abuse. I want this to be a good engine
  7. the best day of my life, the sound and smoothness is unreal and the turbo sounds sweet, ive been holding myself back from thrashing it its running in good, doing what I did to my rx7 motor, easing on power, and gradually leading up to a hammer, then driving easy for a while. any more advice for things that might be a problem, being a mk2 I dont expect alot cheers guys and looking foward to meeting some of yous in the white night :D Reece
  8. 22 hours till I get to put my foot in it, !!! someone press fast foward for me please ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! :D
  9. hahaha, that's not nice, I had a choice of that or the metalic grey one, but as this will be on site if I do get a chip or scratch from something white is easier to fix up. the fact I love all the other colours it comes down to whats practical. I would much rather a perfect looking ute all the time than a phamtom colour with scratches
  10. Here are some pictures, im itching to pick it up and just go for a burn in her :D enjoy
  11. thanks for the replys no the car is getting fitted with my external gate and better intercooler mose well list whats done as you guys may be interested 1989 s5 rx7, large t04 turbo, 38mm external gate, PWR intercooler, big 044 pump with surge tank, tial bov, large extend port and rebuilt, microtech mtx8 13.0 @ jamboree 2004 with a standard turbo and gay front mount havent run it with the big boy yet but im itching to. BA is the rotary recovery ute
  12. it will be my daily driver so im not to worried, I didnt buy this to do 1/4 mile, just highway cruising and a bit of a punch every now and then, my 7 is the fast car
  13. Gday everyone New to the turbo piston world. I own the rx7 IEATU, and now a proud owner of a BA XR6 turbo ute. Ill be reading threw these forums for advice as I dont know sh*t about piston engines, just mainly rotarys. Coon I bought is a White mk2 XR6t in auto, I did want the manual but I got a really good deal on the auto, I know this is off topic but are there any things I should look out for ? I read that not many people reccomend getting ford to service them ? Thanks and I hope to wish you all in the not to distance future Reece
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