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  1. Just thought I'd add my 2c worth... I have an 2010 G6E Turbo and I have had this issue for the last 12 months. Took it to Ford a couple of times and they couldn't find anything wrong with it and as its warranty was about to expire I decided to get another opinion so I didn't get shafted with a dead gearbox out of warranty. I took it to a BMW/Landrover specialist (BMW/Landrover have had the ZF 6 speed a lot longer than Ford) and he said it gets a question about this issue at least every week. He said its the box that does it but its nothing to worry about as there isn't anything actually wrong with the box its more like a design issue and he see's a lot of 5 Series and Range Rovers that do it. There is no way to stop it (except new gearbox which may have the issue anyway) but if it REALLY annoys you its possible to remap the shift points in the gearbox to make it less obvious. By this I mean my car does it around 1500 RPM, you can change shift points so the car always sits above 1600 rpm for example.
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