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Everything posted by OZYWALKER

  1. The man from UNCLE, 8/10. Top movie.
  2. Me rich lol, I just waste too many $$$ on my ute. Do it once do it properly mate.
  3. Lol standard height FTW. Gave it a thrashing with the new radiator. Does the job.
  4. If your gonna cut you might as well get a decent cooler, Process West stage 3, Jonny Tig big cooler or a Plazmaman 1800hp cooler.
  5. Kokentoe needs to chiil out methinks. Do a skid bro.
  6. Fitted a new 32mm fenix radiator. Best fitting aftermarket rad for the fg and very well priced.
  7. I meant it got hot with the stock radiator. I drive it fairly hard. Anyway its all sorted, I have a Fenix 32mm being delivered today. Already have the fans adjusted and 82* hi flow tstat. Big oil cooler going on soon so it should be fine.
  8. Fenix radiators customer service, top notch. New radiator (32mm direct fit) being delivered today.
  9. Always found it getting over half way on the temp gauge in summer without giving it much so I'll skip the stocker.
  10. Does anyone know of a decent radiator for the FGs? Fenix radiator has given up with less than 5k on it so they're out. PWR do one but its around $1k. Do adrad or anywhere else do them?
  11. Its to aid thermo syphoning, the heat will travel to the cooler coolant.
  12. Doubt it their fg rad is a "race only" rad, will find out tomorrow.
  13. Farkin fenix radiator started leaking from the core to end tank weld. Not happy farkin karnt of a job.
  14. Best bet would be to have the fans adjusted to come on at a lower temp with a tune. Should keep it cooler and stop them running after shutdown.
  15. Look forward to the rest of it looks funny as. Also the pilot for Lucifer was great, will be a top show if it continues.
  16. Its not coming from the overflow is it? The overflow from the expansion tank runs out from underneath.
  17. Pulled the front bar off and removed the washer bottle to make room for a big oil cooler. Just enough room, it will be a tight fit being around 300x300mm with a 10" fan and -10 fittings.
  18. -12 but a 40mm or so hole would cover most sizes.Keen for an FG one if it happens, radiator enclosure and fuse box lid would look sweet too.
  19. NA style coil cover would be tops, no holes like the turbo cover. Larger holes to clear AN breather fittings would also be good.
  20. Ash vs evil dead. So bad its good. 3/10
  21. Give them a trick, ask for their parents and tell them off real good in a drunken bogan fashion.
  22. What's up with lebs and mobiles on loudspeaker? No one gives a sh*t so wtf are you karnts using the speaker for?
  23. Yea mine did that, probably running vacuum at lower rpm and pulling it open.
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