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Everything posted by OZYWALKER

  1. Why not just get an aftermarket shaft? They get rid of the CVs all together and use uni joints.
  2. Straight line it's pretty much the same as with the caltracs. It's more consistent when it starts sliding out, it's gradual and controlled whereas the leafs just kicked once you hit the limit.
  3. Adjusted the panhard rod to center the axle. Didn't have to pull the tub off to adjust it after all. There's still a chance of it rubbing the rear guards so I'll probably have to get them rolled a touch. Can anyone reccomend a place in sydney that's done fg utes before.
  4. Glad I found this out at home. If you lower your ute getting your spare out from under the tub is going to be a problem, have to Jack the rear just to get it out.
  5. Lowered at the front. 340mm hub to guard all round. Have one issue, rear right tyre has a few rub marks on it. Will have to adjust the panhard bar to pull the axle across to sort that out. Have just set the dampers pretty hard to prevent any rubbing for now.
  6. Rear is pretty much as high as it can go without getting taller shocks. Here ya go Ralph.
  7. Just about 50kms in the dry, only got it finished this morning. Should be even better once I drop the front end, rear rake is ghey.
  8. Burn it. But it doesn't. This setup is killer, no tramp at all and it's completely silent with no noise transfer whatsoever. Really happy with it so far, just have to lower the front then happy days.
  9. Got the tub back on just in time to get to cricket. Sits pretty low. P plate rear rake at the moment, will drop the front coils tomorrow morning.
  10. I think the way the caltracs are setup with the circlip holding the rod in place its going to keep wearing at the chassis. If it had the rod welded in it probably wouldn't rub. The front bracket for the links uses the same bolt holes as the leaf hanger. Should finish it all this arvo/tonight and will put some pics up then.
  11. Got a bit more done tonight before the neighbours complained. Here's the score mark left from the caltracs (mark on the left of where the bracket used to sit)
  12. Got a mate who might be taking them, if that's falls through they're all yours.
  13. Got started on the 5 link install this arvo, so far so good. Removed the leaf springs, leaf spring mounts, shocks and crossmember. Have the new front mounts in and got most of the other parts pre assembled. One thing I'd like to warn others about is not to use caltracs if you value your car. The front bracket must rub pretty hard against the chassis rail and has started to wear at it. The way they're designed there is no way to avoid this. Will throw some pics up once the install is finished.
  14. Already put the tub back on, got the sh*ts waiting for the 5 link to arrive (was supposed to be here last Monday). Skids either way for sure.
  15. Won my cricket semi final by a decent margin. Mad skids planned after the final win.
  16. Y pieces, we must think alike haha. I've got a 4" electric cutout valve sitting in the shed that I want to have fitted before the first muffler and there's plenty of room there.
  17. Will do tomorrow arvo if I get home early enough. It's bloody loud, definitely need the second muffler.
  18. Definitely is. But that's an easy job. The front tubular cross member has to come out along with the upper damper mounts. This is where the new cross member mounts which the panhard rod mounts to. I'm waiting on confirmation from Performance suspension but I believe the new coil overs have internal bump stops so the stock ones will stay/come out depending on that. Probably won't get the kit before the weekend, performance suspension is really busy so it's been delayed a bit.
  19. Got the tub off this arvo. Used an engine crane so it was pretty easy, ran a rope through the tie points on the rails and off it went. Pulled out the rear muffler, then cut a section to use as a down tip after the first muffler. Had to do this as the current exhaust route will not allow any room for the 5 link. The 5 link kit should be here before the weekend so hopefully I can get a good start on it before my cricket semi final on Sat/Sunday arvo.
  20. Wtf lol. Will do, was hoping it would have arrived by now but should be here this week. If you haven't seen it already Trav has installed the kit in his F6. Here's a link to his build, check the last page for some pics. http://www.fordforums.com.au/showthread.php?t=11280007
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