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Everything posted by OZYWALKER


    Boost Leak

    Is there a prize for the biggest mine?
  2. Would be easier to call him at CMS.
  3. Threads gone farked itself, so is the cruise back on now?
  4. If someone uses a selfie stick playing Pokemon go does that make it a pogo stick?
  5. You get more satisfaction out of doing the work yourself and sometimes it's the only affordable option. WPMO is working out how much I'll need to spend to get my ute where I want it. Built zf, re bush front end, new front wheel bearings. Rebuild/recondition diff, get taller rear shocks and springs. Before all that the exhaust has to get redone over the 4 link and I want to fit a smaller oil cooler for a better fit. Good thing I've got plenty of overtime lined up.
  6. Episode 2 of Mr robot is out on the 13th in the US. So should be online tomorrow some time.
  7. Mr Robot season 2 has started.
  8. What they said. When will P platers learn to wait until their fulls before going for more power?
  9. Aren't the b series meant to run that way for the cold side?
  10. K31th did you do something to the tapacrap setup? Goes alright now.
  11. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/muslims-fined-8000-wearing-burkas-niqab-switzerland-ticino-islamic-dress-a7124586.html
  12. He's all good. Should have know better than to have one hand in front of the cutting tool, that never ends well. Sounded like more of a formal warning, hopefully that's the case.
  13. Yea the zf isn't a cheap job and all these smaller thing just keep pushing it back. Main issue now is I'm not sure if I'm getting done for speeding or not after getting pulled over on Wednesday night while rushing my bro to the emergency room. He managed to nearly deglove the back of his hand with a chisel (uni students should use tools lol) Was clocked at 115 on an 80 zone but as soon as the officer saw my brother he escorted us to the hospital (5 minutes away) before giving me a stern talking to. He's noted it was an emergency but as it was on the cars camera it had to be reported. Fingers crossed his and my statement get me out of it without going to court or getting to much of a fine.
  14. Pretty sure the FG has a larger intermediate shaft.
  15. Not anytime soon. I'm a bit over spending on it atm, if it annoys me that much I'll get it redone after the zf gets built.
  16. Fallout got boring quick just didn't like it. Postal 2 was better, could piss on cops and use cats as a shotgun silencer weeeeeeee
  17. That GT is unreal. I tried nagging him for a replica of the front bar but he's dead set on not making any that's for sure. The vents I've ordered aren't fancy looking like the Super GT's but they will work. They're supposed to be fairly flexible so they should fit along the sides of the bonnet bulge.
  18. That custom boss bonnet does look great but there's no way I'm getting a new bonnet. I'd think decent venting like Matt's silly car would get rid of a lot more than 15% of the engine bay heat. Anyway I've ordered some rivet on vents so I'll find out how well they work when they arrive.
  19. There's a boosted bonnet you can get with an opening at the front. I don't want the opening there, there's more of a need to get the heat out rather than air in.
  20. Have thought about that, also thinking of putting some vents in the sides of the bonnet.
  21. So is an FG Ute. Just saying.................
  22. Dude just get rid of the saddle bush completely along with the plates that sit around the leaf pack. It doesn't increase harshness at all imho and doesn't need any other parts to get it done. If not at least get some metal plates made up to replace them, they only last a few thousand kms if you give it a bit. 1-2hr job in your driveway and your done.
  23. Looking good. Not sure if it's been mentioned before but it would be a good idea to add an earth to the body of the surge tank. It's earthed through the body and doesn't get the best connection through the chassis and the bolts.
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