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Everything posted by OZYWALKER

  1. Got a new taller set of QA1 shocks installed in the rear end this arvo. They're the tallest that is possible to go with the setup but will allow the most travel, this was an issue with the last set. Doing this raised the rear about 30-35mm so I've raised it all around. It has made a massive difference to the handling, a lot lighter through the steering wheel and better turn in. Also no more ghey scraping the front bar over speed humps. I'll throw some pics up tomorrow.
  2. This thread is gold haha. Looking forward to the cruise. I got halfway through setting up some taller shocks in the 5 link, should have it done by the weekend and I'm finally going to have the exhaust fixed next Friday.
  3. @Rab Killjoys is pretty good if you don't mind a bit of b grade sci-fi. Season 2 looks higher budget so far.
  4. New wheels and brembos would nearly be a cheaper option than the m series. You will probably get away with a set of XYZ 6 pot 355 fronts and the PBR upgrade for the rear.
  5. Black or red wrinkle finish. Cant go wrong with it and need minimal prep.
  6. That's crap. It might be worth a shot though, I've used it to emulate an Xbox controller previously and in came up as one in the devices and printers page.
  7. There's not as much of a difference between the b series Na and turbo coil covers compared to the fg cover. There are some nice looking aftermarket covers for the b series though.
  8. Motion in joy might work, does with a ps3/ps3 control on windows.
  9. Since when have Ford made a one piece for the Utes? They have been 2 piece since the AU. Probably an aftermarket tail shaft if its a single piece shaft. Gibson Driveshaft Service make a 1000hp rated shaft for the sedans and utes.
  10. The difference between the process west surge tank from B series to fg is a different set of mounting bolts. The B series bolt to a plate on the chassis whereas the FG needs 2 holes drilled through the chassis rail to mount it. The fuel lines may be a bit different between series though. This would be the pretty much the same between brands for an engine bay mounted surge tank as they're all process west rip offs. Even pro flow are doing one now that suits BA-FG, it's just a different set of bolts for the tank itself.
  11. Shockworks 4TW, not to bad price wise if you can install them yourself.
  12. It has a cat and one muffler, it dumps before the diff because the right rear coil over and panhard bar sit in the way or the original exhaust route. Might sound ok but it drones like mad at light acceleration or cruising in the freeway. @camo86T to get the right angles over the pan hard bar I think it's going to have to be redone from the cab to the back of the tub, I don't want it run under the diff for clearance issues.
  13. Nah they charge ridiculously, got quoted $1800 to re do the system from the back of the cab. Not in a real rush for it seeing how few km its doing lately.
  14. All the same as last cruise. No exhaust shop likes doing custom work apparently, just need to get it booked into castle hill exhaust and a day or so off work to get it sorted.
  15. Nah, I've got other shocks for him. Even then these would be too low.
  16. Ordered some taller rear shocks and springs to get some more travel out of the 5 link. If anyone is after a set of QA1-DD401 shocks or a set of King Springs KST-300 coils let me know.
  17. kickass is down and for a while by the looks of it. Faaaaaaark.
  18. The cruise better go ahead. I've ordered some taller shocks and springs for the 5 link in the ute, hopefully they're more "cruise" friendly.
  19. That's right for most, the only coolers I know of that have a decent euro core are Jonny Tig's. I think plaz might for their 1800+ hp kits.
  20. Hardcore Henry 11/10 for a mega action ultra crazy movie. If you've got a very headset this would be mental, all in first person. Basically a mix of cod/cod zombies and a bit of crysis style FPS but as a movie.
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