Would never buy an off the shelf exhaust again unless it's an SMB or Manta system. Have seen xforce and they seem pretty average and hang pretty low in the Utes. Would never never never get another nizpro exhaust (or the TOG copy). Needed additional hangers added to support the weight. Also had to bend the dump for it to sit at the correct angle. All of the clamps have failed and the cummins equivalent clamps go for $50 or so, so there's an additional $200 on top of their big $3000 price tag for the ute system. It's a good design but the build quality isn't there. Have seen the manta dual 3" and it's great quality, comes with additional hangers and brackets. They're where I'd go if I were to go for an off the shelf system again. Custom would be the best way to go IMHO.