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Everything posted by OZYWALKER

  1. Not his best but different from most other stuff.
  2. Chris lillees new show. Faaaarrrrk so hard to watch But soooo funny. sh*t
  3. Adjust the preload. If that doesn't drop it enough change the spring to a lower rated one. Chances are it's a 12psi unit which has a 5 and 7 psi spring in it.
  4. Who wants a cheap gtx3582 supercore? Pm me, would rather not post it.
  5. Got the ute together. Turns out if you weld a 90* on the outlet of a gtx3582 g2 it sounds like a t51. Awesome. Cold start and that spool at idle, unreal.
  6. Had a pretty productive day. @Camo86T is a bloody legend. Got the new turbo front cover and hot side pipe welded up with plazmaclamp flanges. Got home, pulled the old turbo out, the manifold, dump and all the studs. Made a mess getting the heat wrap off which pretty much crumbled. New exhaust gaskets and studs, new turbo gasket and studs, fitted the new dump studs. Fitted a new turbosmart actuator, 14 Psi spring, set the preload and bolted it up. Will bolt the dump in tomorrow and top the coolant up. Will give it a week or so before wrapping the manifold again to make sure the nuts are tight after a few heat cycles.
  7. That plug isn't seated properly. It will go in further. Gotta push it stupid hard and fast.
  8. Putting a sports bar back on the ute. If anyone wants a reasonably cheap bitchin set of ladder bars for an FG let me know.
  9. Well Camos speedy after hours weld job it is haha
  10. Would anyone know if the gen 1 gtx3582 front cover is the same as the gen 2? Would make thing easier if I could use the gen 1 cover whilst the gen 2 gets welded up.
  11. Typical work being stupid busy when I want to do the turbo on the ute. On the plus I just scored a sports bar and tonneau off an fgx for FA. Is only around the corner aswell.
  12. Think about it ya turkey. 1000hp fuel system. 800hp fuel regulator. One would think if a regulator is smaller than a supply it's not going to regulate pressure properly is it. Your reg is undersized. Take it to a proper tune shop, pay them to fix it. You'll probably make it go bang. You and your car are both potatoes.
  13. Good to hear. I think it was chlaxn on here that pulled out the sway bar to fit mals tramp kit. Was a while back though.
  14. That plug needs to be pushed really hard and fast to get it seated properly. sh*tty design, I had the same issue. Real awkward to do with the whole thing hanging around assembled.
  15. Isn't performance suspension up that way?
  16. Something is wrong, that's why it's got the light on. It's been modified but no word of how it was tuned and has a sketchy history. It could be an aftermarket actuator was fitted but not tuned to suit. Which sounds likely. Could be a whole bunch of other things. You should have made the dealer handle it before paying for it. Take it to a decent local tuner to sort it but expect to pay a lot as no one wants these kind of jobs.
  17. It definately fits, you can't use all the holes in the brackets for the DVD player. It has to sit slightly off. Bodgy but it works.
  18. Ordered a stack of parts for Easter break car stuff all on the same day. Most from aus but some studs from mamba in China. Mamba stuff arrives first.
  19. You lot went jibbering again lol
  20. Mr admeinhampster, Please make less pc forum. Cheers, Dan
  21. Words man There was so many more words. Even this forums gone to shìt.
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