Hi all,
I've picked up a BA xr6t, but it has a starting issue. I have had it started a few times & driven it around.
However most of the time it wont start. I don't believe it is the starter or battery.
Here is what I've tried so far:
With my OBD dongle I could connect to the car and clear DTC, this allowed me to start it once or twice.
I have removed battery terminal from battery and left overnight, then left key at ON position for 5 mins, this allowed me to start the engine a few times, however this trick isn't working now.
My OBD dongle will connect to other modules in the car such as BEM, IC, ABS. It will not connect to the PCM anymore.
Any suggestions? I have a feeling the PCM is faulty or an issue with the immobilizer. Any assistance is appreciated.