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About Logsie

  • Birthday 19/09/1980

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  • Location
    Queensland (Brisbane)
  • Interests
    V8 Supercars,Upgrading my baby,Hot Chicks
  • Member Title
  1. Happy Birthday Logsie!

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  2. Happy Birthday Logsie!

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  3. Happy Birthday Logsie!

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  4. Happy Birthday Logsie!

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  5. How Did your mate go with the roof lining?
  6. Hi berzerker Have you found any places to fix it? I am having a problem with mine in the front coming down started since I got a new windscreen. I have heard there is a guy in brendale next to Qtanks but is on holidays at the moment . I will check it out and let you know Cheers Scott
  7. Hi turtle sorry I didnt get back to you was on our 1st anniversary. Bar looks great (BF?). Good to hear no injuries from the accident .I nearly had one 2 days ago a chick went straight through a red light, I pulled up behind her at the lights and here she is putting on her seat belt and straight after that goes through another red light
  8. Logsie

    Bad News

    You are always going to sell your XR at a loss. (Or any other mainstream car for that matter) The XR's unfortunatly are a victim of there own popularity and a poor at holding value. So it really a matter of individual circumstance as to wether you take the loss sooner or later. If you run up big K's, I reckon you're better off selling sooner. JMHO. ← Did a bit of looking around the other bight looking at prices for 03 models and they had about 80000-85000k's and they were asking $30000-$33000 So maybe things are looking up
  9. Logsie

    Bad News

    Seeya joe thanks for helping us out on our big day Keep in touch Scott & Jess
  10. Mobile 1 and also change the oil filter at the same time to get maxium usage out of the oil .You will also need a bit over 5 litres to fill the beast
  11. Where did all that list come from
  12. Any luck with finding a place Quite a few in that price range
  13. Logsie

    Dont Fly Jet Star

    About 90% of guest that have used jet star that have stayed at my missus work said they would never fly with them again What is this saying about there buisness ?Are they going to go bust I have even heard a few reports that once on the aircraft you can sit anywhere how can this be legal for example if the plane goes down for identitfication purposes
  14. Logsie

    New Tyres

    My toyo tyres have stode up to the test in tassie (snow ice mud gravel)and did not lose traction once and after about 11000k's still heaps of tread so not sure where you got that imformation as this are facts
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