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About harvyk

  • Birthday 04/02/1982

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    The North Cooma End of Canberra...
  1. Happy Birthday harvyk!

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  2. Happy Birthday harvyk!

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  3. Happy Birthday harvyk!

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  4. Happy Birthday harvyk!

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  5. There a good saying, - "If you owe the bank a thousand dollars, you have a problem. If you owe the bank a million dollars the bank has a problem" My first stop would be somewhere without an extradition treaty with New Zealand. I'd then find a country with fairly lax banking laws to put the money into. (eg cook islands \ Caymans etc...)
  6. Or to the people who have good accountants. I personally have my money bouncing between a couple of different entities. It's all legal, but it means technically I'm earning just enough to get by on (I receive pay increases in line with interest rate rises), but I work for a very very generious company. (Which supplies me with loads of good stuff like cars mobiles, travel etc...)
  7. Depends, I run my own business, so in a good week it can be over $6k, it averages out to a little over $2k a week. It's funny though, $6k seems like a lot of money to have until your running your own business and your running the risk that next week and the week after will be very light on in payments.
  8. Yeah, but it wasn't as good as last years (neither was the gala)
  9. 30th June, New FY starts on the 1st July.
  10. Hi Superdan, Remember my step one, pay for good advice. By the sounds of it your wanting to speak with a business lawyer, they will know the rules and regulations for licenses \ permits \ and other things you will need to do to keep on the right side of the law. Whilst it may seem a little expensive up front it will save to heaps down the track (speaking from experience, getting good legal advice at the front has saved my skin in business on more than one occasion). Combine that with a good accountant and your well and truely on your way. I know it can seem a lot to do (and pay) to get even something small off the ground, but there is literally to much to know about getting a business off the ground for one man to know. Anyone who tries to tell you differently, don't trust them, as if they ever get audited or legally challanged they may be in for a rude shock. Just out of interest what sort of things are you planning on buying and selling, and more importantly how are you going to differenciate yourself from every other E-Bay seller out there (I'm imaging that's the type of business your wanting to get into) - in other words why should I spend my money with your business?
  11. Yes, I run my own business, and my advise is simple, 1. pay for good advice 2. be selective on who you take advice from, I'm sure the old bloke down the pub \ that great mate \ mother in laws brother is knowledgable, but unless they have been running a SUCCESSFUL business themselves, don't take their advise, it's amazing how many business "experts" there are working 9 to 5 jobs, and the most they have ever ventured in to the world of running your own business is they considered moonlighting one night. 3. Get to know a lot of people (eg go to networking events, even if you wouldn't think it could help your business), they can really help find people to help you with point 1, plus you never know, your next customer could be found at one of those events. (Hey, it's where I found my mechanic)
  12. Most US airlines as far as I know are in some degree of trouble. Yeah, LAX doesn't like the A380's because they did jack all to prepare for them so Qantas is talking about taking them to SFO, don't know what Qantas will do when they retire the 747's in a few years as they don't really have any other planes in their fleet which can make the distance from Melb to LAX direct as yet. The funny thing is that airports which will probably never see an A380 (or certainly not frequently) have gone and updated their infrastructure for example Adelaide.
  13. There is a very easy way to workout if something is a con or not. 1. Is someone going to make (a lot) money from it? Yes \ No 2. Is it something which celebs \ pollies can get involved in for publicity? Yes \ No 3. Is questioning the science behind the claim considered to be bad form? Yes \ No Basically getting a yes to all three is a good way of determining that CC is a scam. 1. - Yes there are loads of companies which have sprung up to take your hard earn to reduce your carbon. 2. - Yes celebs have jumped on the bandwagon by the bucket load. Pollies have created new positions to cover the "problem" 3 - Yes question the science and your called a climate change denier. Also the fact that the earth has gone through these exact same patterns in previous history (without the influence of humans) suggests that yes climate change exists, no we are not to blame, and that we are pretty up ourselves if we can believe we can alter the planet by our lonesomes.
  14. Yeah but what did you expect from a US airline? They are so busy cutting everything out, including from their so call "full serivce" airlines that there is no way they'd put something in. (Hell even safety can sometimes come second place to cost cutting). I would never actively choose to fly a US based airline if there was virtually any other option.
  15. Yes, but most candidates spend nearly all of their allowances (and many go well over thanks to donations and other income), as they actually want to win. The loophole was that she was able to keep every cent even though the majority of it was not spent on campaign expenses. Typically when the gov't gives money you have to prove it was spent for it's intended purpose, with exception to election funding. I just can't believe she is serious. Basically because the way she hasn't handled the media, if she was serious she would have gotten a media advisor to help coach her through those "difficult" questions that every reporter was going to ask. She would have already had answers for each of those questions pre-prepared, she would have had answers for just about anything else they could have thrown at her, and she wouldn't have become argumentative (unless she was good at arguing a point, which she was quite obviously not) I personally know 3 different people who have stood in elections at one time or another, and 3 other people who directly worked on campaigns. Hey one year I was even roped into giving out those "how to vote cards", so I've seen the process fairly up close.
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