Everything house's and apartments With a few members starting new house build's including myself I though it would be good to share our build and get helpful tips from fellow members who's built in the past or offer they services in their trade. Even with odd jobs round the house or pass on info to trade services in there local area. Share links to useful site and items on special also the right tools for the job. This also includes Home renovations, Landscape, showcase your garage and the classic Shed or as we all know our man caves. Lets not forget interior design and colour schemes. Here is some photo's of my house with work done so far. Work start on Monday and nothing since as its been raining. Work started Level at the back of the house still lots to do. Thanks to the bush behind us the rear of the house is BAL 12.5. Hasn't moved in 2 days. If you think this could work keep it, if not delete thread. Cheers