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Pixy Angel

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Everything posted by Pixy Angel

  1. that's what I think it should have been supported before anymore work but no, trying to do it on the cheap and now it cost me. TOTAL BS! Do you think its worth fighting for?
  2. Well worst day ever and as I said in above post I feel sick. This morning I dropped the kids off at school and thought Ill go up and mow the grass at the back seeing no one has been there all week but to my surprise they were on site with the excavation cutting more away at the bottom to allow room for the block work and at the front for the steps to the front door. I did what I need to do took some pics and left. about 45min later I get a call from my builder asking for me to return. I get there get out pf the car walk on up and the first thing I see is that part of the wall has collapsed and whilst standing there looking at it more fell away bring the next door neighbour fence. OH YOU'RE F*#KING KIDDING ME!! Builder tells me that the engineer is on his way to access. He also said that its happen because of a slip face/rock, if that makes sense. After many hours they thinking of core drilling 6 holes and place timber in between each core hole followed by shotcrete with wire that part of the wall. Now I ask why is it up to the home owner (ME) to pay for it as they should have done it right from the start and supported the wall, this would of never happened. So im guessing that Ill be putting the G6ET and the van up for sale now just to cover the cost. Here is some photo lots. Wall before work start Excavation with ripper on Then the rest went The Builder left and Engineer right Temp support
  3. Holly crap Steve that didnt take long at all, how cool. Ill post my update late things went from ok to OMFG!! I feel sick in the stomach from it.
  4. I was called into my manager's officer because of my dress code. He said, "you can't wear pyjamas for work" I said, "everyone else does" He said, "thts because they're f*#king patients"
  5. ^ not just me been doing that for a few days now. I just keep refreshing until it loads the page
  6. What F*#Kwits. I bet they have a XR and want to be like a cool real turbo driver.
  7. Since Sunday my son has been trying out for 2 Advance local soccer teams. What pisses my off big time that they look for 4 core skills but yet the told my son to go into goals. He made it through the second round, awesome but on day 2 was a joke. They put him in goals 4 times and in total 24min, yes I kept time but how is one to show there 4 core skills when in goals. We received email yesterday arvo letting us know that he didnt make the 3 round of selection. I wonder why! So I sent off an email letting them know my frustration which I was firm and direct. I wonder if I'll get a reply.
  8. A $5 spring roll HOLLY SH!T!! I would of gave it back at that price.
  9. my necks hurts now........ Gotta love black when cleaned right.
  10. Local e pay 50c but have paid $1 sports events. Well pissing me off already that the family christmas fighting has started already all over who will have lunch at who's place. F*#k I hate it just might find a place and get away holiday in the van over christmas. Christmas bring the worst out of people.
  11. looks good but need new rear tint.
  12. Nice Colour. I would buy a ex HWY car they are serviced really well.
  13. and that why we drive G6E and not XR's
  14. enjoy Stripes I've got 1 more then off for 4
  15. A active mod on the forum about time, Nice Azza
  16. I bet they were expecting some young person behind the wheel and were ready to load him up, but saw steve and went RBT only,
  17. I bet the heart the racing a little Steve when they turned around.
  18. My gardens are restricted. I cant plant any trees at the back of the house thanks to the bush fire rating. Blocks and back fill. Its didn't look that bad. I think it could be a money making scam. Plus its all rock as you can see. This shows you the height of the garage wall a little better with the excavator.
  19. Congratulations Pazzo and Adriane have a great future together and many happy enjoyable years
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