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Pixy Angel

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Everything posted by Pixy Angel

  1. I know how you feel OZY I got a pop rivet in mine the following day.
  2. I want to but doubt ill get there.
  3. Power up! http://www.carsales.com.au/editorial/news/2015/ford/falcon/ford-readies-swansong-falcon-xr-sprint-100503
  4. Great investment Rab, I have one and so does Don with the magic box. I have wifi off and only turn it on when I want to look at something. Enjoy now join dashcam owners australia on FB.
  5. nice work guys smart buying. that's what happens when the seller becomes greedy.
  6. over the ear headphone are very popular these days. Nice buy.
  7. WOW what a c*nt Something wrong with my post Rab?
  8. must have been the highest offer they got or the only one but great work.
  9. It was meant for off topic thread..........oops. If a lovely lady next to was hot could make for a funny topic started or walk away.
  10. That moment when you're sharing a public bench seat and you need to fart knowing if you do they might feel the vibration. Do you risk it or hold onto it?
  11. Cant just say the wheels look good the whole car does. NICE!!
  12. This is awesome, well anything Dave Grohl does is.
  13. Its great you know what you want but as you know it will be very hard to find one with all your wants. I think you might need to find one with one or two things on your list that you're happy with then add the rest later. EG rear end. I would stay in your state only because transferring one over might be hard because its modded. Good luck and hope you find what you're after.
  14. Totally agree It's not even the builders fault and I dont blame him, its the excavation company for not waiting for the engineer to turn up and went ahead and started to excavate more causing the issue we have now. One of the Bosses workers told me yesterday that he is to old school and just doesn't give a f*#k, it shows.
  15. Thanks guys appreciate the support. There is nothing I can do from my side of things. I paid a builder to do the work so its in his hands. I am waiting for him to try a flog the bill my way but guess what mate Im not paying a cent. I told the excavation mob that today that im not paying to fix someone else mistake, they didnt say much. Its there f*@k up and has nothing to do with the scope of work to the house. Finger crossed this is it and nothing else holds us up.
  16. I have an update from my end. All work has stopped, site is now closed. Work Cover paid a visit today and closed the site down because of unsafe working conditions. No work can be carried out until a Engineer and Geo Tech report is done. The work cover man was nice and knew the street because of an incident about 7 years ago he said when a young labourer died whilst working on some units feel about 6m and hit his head. that's something I do not want to happen with my build.
  17. I was looking at a Bose lifestyle system so either way Bose or Sonos. Also cost plays into ATM there is more important things that need doing before that. Ill have to see where we are at but might just run cables.
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