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Pixy Angel

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Everything posted by Pixy Angel

  1. I can taste it already. I love a good coffee shame it's hard to find one these days.
  2. 50 and 100m Freestyle and 50 Backstroke.
  3. Great day and feeling so bloody proud. Today my son had his regional swimming carnival and is now off to State swimming Titles at Homebush Olympic Park. Another daddy moment.
  4. Hi everyone. In the next few months or before computer dies Im starting to look for new computer. What are you recommendations? Need one that can handle sh*t loads of photo's and editing software. photo's and video's I've been told to look at Mac but never owned one before.
  5. Howdy Keith...........I'm back. How is everyone and did I miss anything?
  6. Joe just did one last week should be on there FB page
  7. Agree BS money for what you do. Anyway hows everyone? Just got the tints done on the ranger 15% I thought it would look the same as the falcon also 15% but they don't.. I wanted black Idea's why? Would it be bigger front windscreen on the ranger.
  8. howdy all, yeah Ive had one come loose lucky it stayed on.
  9. Morning all, hmm nothing like a good coffee to kick start the day. It's even better when you can have a smoothy or a really good milk shake
  10. You're getting your mate a XR8 bonnet........wow what a friend. Next time your with you mate write down/take a photo of paint code can be found inside the drivers door.
  11. Price drop.............$20,000 just want it gone, car is mechanically sound and run great
  12. a very lazy sunday now on the cards. I was meant to be taking photo's to at Nutri Gain Ironman series but dew to poor weather I'm not going now. I'm now able to go through yesterdays 3rd boat series I took
  13. I agree, this is the first year in 5 years I haven't coached my son soccer team. (A's) I just need some time off as I go all year round from swimming, surf club and soccer. Looking forward to be able to relax and go away for the weekend if you want. I'm already counting down the weeks to the end of swimming/surf club, been a very long 8 months.
  14. Very much so it's a great feeling @Box stock T. Wakes up Monday to Friday 5:30am for a 6am start and swims to 7:30am backs that up Monday and Tuesday afternoons for a 5pm start to 6:30pm. 7 swim session a week and he doesn't complain just does it. Next week we head to State Championships for Surf Life Saving.
  15. Yeah Ok, he beat the time by just over 2sec 100m freestyle with a 1:18:17 his only 11 turning 12 next month
  16. A good day in the pool for my son placing first in all events (x8) and 1 new school record.
  17. Yeah I'm thinking of staying a few extra days for R&R and drink and drink and drink Anyone want to buy my car.
  18. So close @Puffwagon almost 2 weeks and it starts this weekend with Nutri Gain Series final round in Sydney.
  19. Happy Day's start of my 4 week holidays.
  20. that's BS. People in my area changed to NBN and have had issue after issue I haven't changed over yet and that was 12 months ago.
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