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Pixy Angel

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Everything posted by Pixy Angel

  1. Yesterday I think a bloke in our street picked one up yesterday from a far. It had the black wheels and black in colour, haven't seen it since but now when I leave the house I drive pass to have a look.
  2. Same here the sliding robes will only be in the kids room and spare. Master walk in. LFMAO.........I know that our builder would want to charge extra he and wife is money hungry. Yeah shutting the site down might sound extreme but it sure will show them I'm not fuking around. Just got back mowed the backyard and cleaned up all the sh1t they thrown on the grass. So much waste might ring local mens shed to come and get all the timber and nails left around.
  3. I leave it auto mode and spool it up for a faster launch. Everyone might have a different way. FYI - is that a touch on your key ring? Not good for your ignition barrel.
  4. Looks great Steve just showed the wife and now she is thinking twice about the mirrowed robes, but as we all know that's extra. Yeah mate I've let a lot go, but that was the line in the sand for me. There is just so much crap around the site that shouldn't be there and better care. I'll be talking to builder this week and came to me whilst driving home this morning from work close the site down until sh1t gets sorted.
  5. Will give that try next. 6 pack first. Also it's to bad is kosciuszko. Similar taste to Hop Thief but not as strong. Only had a tap. Still would pick Hop thief first.
  6. Little update Thursday roof and scaffold was delivered. Scaffold starting going up yesterday. Also here is some pics from the not so straight alfresco posts. 3 post holding up the alfresco roof Outer post Middle Post Outer post And the care taken by trades One of out fire rated fly screens.
  7. My choice of beer ATM is James Squire hop thief, great tasting beer.
  8. SWEET!! Shockwave was a good colour enjoy the car mate.
  9. @Princess Whinginator and Azza congratulations guys even more fun times ahead. Hope all goes smoothly. @.Stripes. do it mate you will be a happier in the long run and all that extra space to move around.
  10. another example of sh1t work is the top slab x3 bedrooms main bathroom and separate toilet not square. I did post back on page 17 post 420 Here is more pics Not bad for custom house that's costing me a sh1t load
  11. 95% of the time when I call my builder he never answers so I send a text out and again I'm lucky to get a reply. E.G last week I called left message about his dumbass sidekick and the kitchen issues no answers, sent text no reply and this was done at 9am. So 6pm same day I called again knowing he'll be at home with family having dinner. He answered WOW The only time I see him is if he is on site and that's not for long max 30-45min at one time. I think I just might need to do what fluffy said contact Builders Ass.
  12. Soon I hope. busy with house and Sat morning or lunch time is taken up by soccer (super coach here) need something to relax. Im still thinking blue mountain run. Yes or no.
  13. Dirty Grandpa 8/10 Holly 5hit balls fukblocker very funny
  14. Totally agree Fluffy but the thing that gets me the most is the Alfresco area he got 2 blokes for a whole week cut and jack hammer away this side because it wasn't straight, still not. Builder said it was out by around 200mm FFS where is he running his string line from or how about invest in a laser line. This side of the wall. Thank I <3 Bananas the brickie can run a straight line.
  15. Its seems to be the norm with builders/companies and some tradies. The amount of mess/rubbish and waste is a complete joke. A little more care about around the site picking up after yourself will show the home owner you care and you take pride in your workmanship. A little update on my place and not without some headaches and arguments with my builder sidekick. Well have some brick work done but not finished, currently bricking the front of the house plus garage. Looks great very happy with my choose of brick and mortar. Last week I had a very interesting argument with my builder sidekick over the kitchen. Last week the kitchen mob came in and noticed that the plumbing for the sink was not in the right place, only by around 600mm close......NOT! The next day I was on site again when I ask the builders sidekick to see me before he leaves. Right then he went off "what for" I want to talk about the kitchen. Whats wrong with the kitchen he said. He went straight on the defensive. I said I have an idea that might help with the issues with the plumbing. If you like swap the sink and the stove around. Well that didnt go down well. He the starts going off telling me that I will need to call the kitchen mob and get them to change the design that will cure extra cost to me. WELL I SAW RED. Dont think friend, Is the plumbing in the right place? NO he said. Will then it's you I <3 Bananas up you fuking fix it at yourr cost not me, F.O. I spoke with my builder Friday arvo and he said he'll take care of it. On Monday morning the kitchen mob called and by that afternoon all new design. There has been multiple issues from windows not fitting and wanting me to get rid of the window all together, NO. Walls and concrete not straight EG the alfresco area is one, see pics below. Plumbing for my pool being ripped out. Not a happy camper ATM. Here are some pics - I'll get some pics up of the front next time. Some of the Cladding only at the rear of the house so far. The bricks The not so straight Alfresco area. It's not the only place that isn't straight
  16. all coming along nicely guys. Wilko the kitchen looks good mate. Steve my pick is 439 tiles the white in the tiles will contrast nicely with the white bath.
  17. only 1 week Keith need more than that mate.
  18. Morning people. Think its time to put in for some holidays.
  19. and pics of Mrs MattyP.........LOL. What did she get? I was hoping that wasn't you matty not sue if you suit red nail polish on the toes
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