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Pixy Angel

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Everything posted by Pixy Angel

  1. I'll even go to the pictures to see that. Good stuff Eric Bana a film that most Australians can relate too.
  2. No problem mate. I'll see you before then. You can leave the car at mine I'll look after it for you :angel:
  3. Good stuff arjey list already up. 10 would be good but I’m sure there's a lot more of us on the forum that live in the GONG. We already have 6 so we should be able to get more I hope.
  4. It's ok arjey. It's my wife’s B'day on the 2nd also party on Saturday night so don't worry too much bro we'll feel it in the morning. That's why it's an afternoon/night cruz need recovery time throughout the day. Answer to your question, the all person I know from here and local boy is dezzaxr6t. Don't think dezzaxr6t works out that way.
  5. Top read Mat, a holiday to remember.
  6. I'm hoping to take the GT, give you a run for your money. Next cruz is on the 2nd November Day after wifes B'day hope we can drive by the time the cruz starts. :angel:
  7. Hey arjey, Sounds like a good idea mate. That way everyone knows it's a new thread and a new cruz. When - 2nd November Where - meet at Wollongong light house Time - to be arranged Rout - from the lighthouse down to Albion Park thru Jamberoo into Kiama or Gerringong. If anyone else can think of a good driving place all ideas are opened. It was short notice but that's what the threads called................. Aaron
  8. I'll give it miss this time round. How about we organize one in a few weeks. Say Sunday 2nd November same place, same time. This should give all us Wollongong and Sydney fellows plenty of time. What does everyone think?
  9. I really do hope so. I'll check again when I get home around 6pm if there's only us again Derek think I'll pass. By the look of things it's died in the Would like more cars. More cars more fun.
  10. Need more cars. 10 would be good alot more fun. any other takers for tonights run.
  11. Your car could of came from anywhere in Aus mate. The dealer may have a wholesaler in another state how brought it and had it ship there. Good luck finding the previous owner.
  12. We need to make our minds up quick. This sat meeting at the Gong lighthouse at 7:30pm or leave it for another time. Next weekend is no good for me as I'm working and the week after that is the wife’s B'Day. Would be great to meet more Wollongong members AZ
  13. I'm keen for a run. how about late Saturday afternoon say around 7pm. Meet at gong lighthouse. Down to Albion Park through Jambroo then a ice cream at Kiama or a beer to finish the night off.
  14. Very nice,just came to mind that you could of given me the tail lights. catch up soon
  15. Nice one Sly, You sure have been waiting along time for a new car. You must have picked a good day for the wife to agree to a G6E-T Did you get the Cashmere leather as you always wanted?. Sorry about this arvo mate I really felt like need to catch up on me , but I did get a solid 10hrs in. I drop around next weekend or friday after dinner for a drink or two or a case. Let me know when. All the best.
  16. Divorced Barbie One day a father gets out of work and on his way home he suddenly remembers that it's his daughter's birthday. He pulls over to a to a shop and asks the sales person, "How much for one of those Barbie's in the display window?" The salesperson answers, "Which one do you mean, sir? We have: Work Out Barbie for $19.95, Shopping Barbie for $19.95, Beach Barbie for $19.95, Disco Barbie for $19.95, Ballerina Barbie for $19.95, Astronaut Barbie for $19.95, Skater Barbie for $19.95, and Divorced Barbie for $265.95". The amazed father asks: "It's what?! Why is the Divorced Barbie $265.95 and the others only $19.95?" The annoyed salesperson rolls her eyes, sighs, and answers: "Sir..., Divorced Barbie comes with: Ken's Car, Ken's House, Ken's Boat, Ken's Furniture, Ken's Computer and.....one of Ken's Friends!
  17. Here are some more. Moto GP grid girls And the best for last...............HMMM
  18. Very nice mate, gotta be happy with that, enjoy.
  19. Now your talking mate. Aston Martin DB S. . Off to local dealer this Wednesday, ill ask then and hopefully take one out.
  20. I'll take both Ford cars home, but don't really think the wife would like sleeping next to the GT40. As you told me smicky I'll wait till FPV fix there turbo problems out first, before I look at getting one. Top day. The crew really took good care of you with plenty of drinks all day. But would say the beers up the road where best. Could have done with a heap more fans, god it was hot inside the hanger. I had to leave early as my mate needs to start work at 8pm. I can see why I don’t drive the Cobra much, almost very Expensive Daewoo D**k wonted to race or they just seat on my rear. Good thing a had passages otherwise I’ll say I really don’t see the show going as well as the UK top gear. It's ok but needs improvement Nice to meet you smicky, Sure we'll catch up again some other time.
  21. Nice one stealthxr, really looking forward to tomorrows show now if its ford v holden. Ill also try to get a few pics in to. Whats it like for parking, how close can you park to the hanger? did you take the pics with a camera or your phone?
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