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Pixy Angel

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Everything posted by Pixy Angel

  1. ^^^^^ funny f*#k J@ beside the number plate photoshopped I detailed. It has never seen any polish since new and the inside was shocking. Bloody smokers!
  2. Just playing with ya grasshopper, Drugs are bad oooooook!
  3. you got it J@ but dumb ass people just dont get it.
  4. Looks good grasshopper but what type of Drugs do you sell? Asking im looking for new caree change and you're making good money from all th emods you've done.............lol
  5. lol, poor fluffy how frustrating.............bloody dumb ass!!
  6. Dumb ass people that put there number plates on wrong. Back on the front and the front on the back.............really!! Bloody D1ckheads
  7. ^^^^^ nice looking Aston but does need a good polish
  8. change the disc to slotted and pads if needed. The slotted will get you through everyday use no problems. I'll be upgarding mine when I get the cash.
  9. morning Panda 1, Panda 2 and to everyone else
  10. Dance baby dance http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OP_MTaZWIs
  11. Ture. About now I'd lock the office door put my feet up watch the view and have a nana nap for about 30min.
  12. that's your office view Tab? NICE!!!!
  13. nice fluffy no further comments
  14. Looks like fight night. In the Blue Corner SDP all ready and suited up. In the Green Corner Dags all bug eyed and waiting. Fight!!
  15. that's a great view Adie looks breath taking. If youre allowed to why don't you put a a picture contact over the window, similar to those you put on the back of fish tanks. You cant change it ever month if you like. Just I idea
  16. Morning all, good to see Stainless is of to a winning start this morniing.
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